Disclaimer: I am a server admin, I Am Not An Economist.
I was discussing the future of the stock market with a friend when a sudden revelation came to me about economy. I seriously doubt if I am the first to think of this, but let me say that I have never heard of my theory before.
The reason the economy of the US and the world is so screwed up right now is because we are in a transitional phase between 2 entirely different types of economy, the new never before experienced before.
The new economy I call “The Age of the Enlightened Consumer”.
Like I said, we are in a transitional phase right now so there are not really that many Enlightened Consumers.
First, what is an Enlightened Consumer?
An Enlightened Consumer is a consumer who, before any purchase of a good or service, researches it completely. First he(sorry gals) researches if he needs the good or service or not. Then he researches how hard it would be for him to do/make it himself. Then he researches all the companies that provides the goods or services and determines which one to go with.
That all seems like a lot of work, but with the way computers and the internet are going, it will become more and more transparent to the consumer, until almost every consumer is an Enlightened Consumer, whether he knows it or not. Most likely, anyone on this message board is already an Enlightened Consumer.
What is the Old Economy?
The old economy, which has been around for centuries, is that of Supply versus Demand. As Supply goes up, Demand and therefore price goes down. The companies who are exactly at the point where the two graphs intersect are going to do the best, get the most consumers, and make the most money. You can throw that out the window, we’re heading toward something new.
The Age of the Enlightened Consumer: The New Economy.
The New Economy has never been seen by man before. Supply vs. Demand, will not matter very much at all. This is the New Economy. It will be like this. There will be plenty of suppliers for any good or service imaginable. This will make the world go into a massive recession (like I believe it is heading now) until the providers learn and compensate. Then everything will CHANGE. The new economy will be based around Cost versus Value. Because of the Internet, supply will be so great that it will not matter anymore. This will put demand down to next to nothing. Then what will consumers want? They will want low Cost and high Value. The company that can provide the highest Value at the lowest Cost will be the good companies. You can already see this happening if you look.
Cost vs. Value has always been a factor, but never to the extent that it will be in the next couple of decades.
Disclaimer: I am a server admin, I Am Not An Economist.
Comments/ discussion /questions please.