I just lost the game!

Your disenchants have got nothing on my counterspells. I never lose.

Yes. You did, but not for that reason.

I thought we alredy had this thread up over here. Oh well. Gives me a chance to re tell this story:

I used to Work as the Cashier at IHOP. durring a slow week day, I told some co-workers about " The Game ". One co-worker got it near immediately [It does take a second to fully understand.] and another co-worker took the stance of always trying to weasel out of playing, by using semantics.

A few minutes later, the co-worker who is still trying to claim that he didn’t lose comes up with another line or reasoning to support his “I can’t lose” position. He is telling me this while I am assisting a customer who is paying for her meal. After I finish the transaction, but still within earshot of the customer, I restate the rules of the game.

That same customer IMMEDIATELY knowing what I am talking about, stops me halfway, looks to me and says “Great, and now I lost too.”

I propose an addtional rule to the game:** "If you teach someone " The Game " that person can not cause you to lose " The Game ".**

For a while there, as it was one of the first conversations the first co-worker and I ever had, the moment I would see him, I would lose the game. I of course would opt for the “you must raise your hand and proclaim that you lost” variant rule when ever this happened. :slight_smile:

Ah, but Counterspells are no longer Type Two legal. – WOTC said they were too powerful… Why does Blue always A L W A Y S get the shaft? And Cancel isn’t cutting it.

Oh, you mean this isn’t MTGSalvation.com ?

Darn. I use the same name over there, and they also have the same BB software…

you sure? Oh ok.

Meeko, you don’t get to invent rules for The Game.

You lose again! Or, alternatively, still. As does everybody who reads this post. Sorry, guys.

You weren’t perhaps chatting with someone on Omegle when you lost at around 4:00 yesterday were you? cause, you know…that would just be weird…

Waaaaait. Counterspell is too powerful? Was it the cost?

YES. Exactly. Cancel does the exact same thing for one generic mana more. But it. Is. Type 2 legal.

I’m mobile, no intention for the periods above

Not true at all. You are assuming that all the rules of the game are all valid. The first is not–for something to be a game, you have to be able to decide to play it. It’s like signing a contract that says you must kill someone–a contract can’t break the law, so such a clause is invalid.

There are probably other ways out of “the game” as well, as people spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get out. Mine is just common sense. Or maybe it’s logic–if a premise is faulty, the conclusion is invalid.

I was winning until the last SDMB thread on this a few months ago. Before then, my friends and I had got quite good at it. I’ll be sure to break it to them when I next see them, if I remember - of course, this will mean I lose again, but it won’t exactly have been a very long winning streak anyway.

I lost the Game, but that’s good because I can devote my time to playing Calvinball instead.

Currently, the score is oogy to boogy.