I just watched "The Producers" for the first time.

Anne Bancroft’s obit mentions that she was the one with the idea to turn The Producers into a musical with Mel Brooks writing the songs. He was too keen on the idea, but did it anyway.

One more:

“You fat, fat, fatty, gimme those fat books!”

Oh my, I still can laugh my head off watching this, even after dozens of viewings.
"Leo, I’m calling for help…


You’re right about Dick Shawn in IAMMMMW, though I don’t think it was that long before The Producers.And as long as we’re talking TV stars, how about: [ul]
[li]A much slimmer Christopher Hewitt (“Mr. Belvedere”) as Roger DeBris[/li][li]Renee Taylor (Fran’s mom on “The Nanny”) as Eva Braun[/li][/ul] When I first saw this film, I seem to remember that the theater explosion happened differently. Inevery version I’ve seen since (including the DVD release), it goes straight from “THE QUICK FUSE!!” to the explosion. As I recall, it was the drunk from the bar (played by the great character actor William Hickey) who actually causes it by mistaking the detonator box for a shoeshine box. Anyone else remember this? And is it available anywhere? [ul]
[li]“I’m not a madam, I’m a CONCIERGE!”[/li][li]“You shut up! You are the audience; I am the author. I outrank you!”[/li][/ul]

:confused: Shawn was in several movies pre-Producers, including an absolutely amazing turn in It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (still probably the best thing he’s ever done, apologies to L.S.D.).

Sorry! Perhaps I should have said, "introduced me to Dick Shawn. :smack: Mea culpa, Mea culpa, Mea maxima culpa!

ouryL, it is against our policy and rules (to say nothing of likely illegal) to post the entire lyrics to a song. Please read the forum rules, the rules about copyright are the first one: Forum Rules. Our stance on copyrighted material holds true in all forums, but it’s especially important to follow in Cafe Society.

You’ve been around enough to know better. In fact, you were scolded about this a few weeks ago, where you were deliberately trying to skirt copyright. I’m disappointed, and I’m taking the opportunity to whomp you in public with a custard pie, so that you’ll be an example for others.

I sorta recall that, too. No proof, but maybe you can feel validated now. :smiley: