I’m still in shock. They drew names during our all-staff meeting, and after they drew the same name for First Prize and Grand Prize, they decided to draw another name for Grand Prize. And it was MINE!!
Somehow I have to get home a big screen TV, DVD player, CD player, VCR and four speakers – a complete Home Theater, in other words. And I don’t own a car, I ride the bus to work.
My husband is also in shock. Where will we put all this? Our livingroom is already crowded, and our storage room (2nd bedroom) is even more so. And who can we beg/bribe/snivel/grovel into helping us move/put this up?
I’m Almost wishing I’d never won the stupid thing, except that I’m too thrilled NOT to be happy. I know once it’s in place, everything will be fine. It’s just getting it installed, etc. that’s the nerve wracking part.
Wow - what a great prize! And what an opportunity to clear out some old stuff and cram in the new stuff! If I got so lucky, I’d be selling off my old system to make room for the new, but that’s just me.
Anyway, congrats, and good luck finding a friend with a truck!
First off, Congratulations! That’s really awesome.
If I were in your shoes, I’d find out where the stuff was coming from (Circuit City, Best Buy, Etc.) And see if you can exchange it or return it. You may need a new washing machine or computer. If you can’t, I would replace anything I could (old TV for new TV) and try to sell the rest. You probably won’t get as much as it’s worth, but you didn’t pay anything for it.
You could also use them to just give really cool Christmas gifts.
Hubby and I have agreed we’ll pay a mover to take care of it for us – they’re insured so if anything gets dropped, we’re still covered. Besides, let THEM carry it up the stairs!