I know she loves me,....

The only problem was the time difference, but it’s a little easier between the US and Ireland than it was between the US and France.

Intercontinental fragging, I like that.

He’s so dorky, he was even in a Clan for “Return of Castle Wolfenstein” and what is worse is that he was really proud of his clan.


I’m going to be in such big trouble for that one, but it’s payback for the nights I went to bed hearing “Achtung!” and “Medic! Medic!”

You’re all welcome to come to visit, but I’m afraid you’d like him better than me. The only way to remedy that is to tell you his most embarrassing secrets. I’ll start with the time on the train in Kobe once, when there was this thing with grape and grain…

Hello B e m u s e d! Pleased to see you on the boards at last. I’m the one who played host to your lovely wife when she was over here. You’re a lucky man indeed :slight_smile:

Intercontinental fragging at its best - Saturday morning in the US, Saturday evening in Europa.

Anahita, would you please let him stay up late so he could play with us? Yes, we’re so dorky as to ask you for permission.

To do otherwise would be bad karma, lno. You know one day I’ll be asking Elenfair the same thing.

Crap. I meant Saturday evening in Europe, of course.

Ping time from the US to Europa would be pretty damn bad.

Well until the digital revolution drags Ireland into the broadband age all talk of intercontinental fragging is a bit premature.

As for my verbal ejaculations during a game of Wolfie I seem to recall them being far more witty and prosaic than “Achtung”. Maybe something was lost in the translation? I mean after all, it couldn’t be that my wife is exaggerating or making things up!

Alas and alack all is moot now until the nice Eircom man announces that DSL will be available to the masses. When that happens we may see if we can set something up. Of course, since Wolf is the only FPS I own and you people may be into other things I will probably have to buy some new games…

Annie you were right after all, I should have posted here earlier, it is,…inspiring


Premature indeed. I don’t think an international, testosterone-drenched Pongfest would work on your connection.

Your wife? Exaggerate? I can’t even begin to imagine.

I’m sure we will all know when you are ready to begin the gibbage.

I am not the least bit surprised that an excursus on love has been hijacked by video games.


You are all ruining the mooooood.

(Just ask me what I’m doing for VDay? Just ask!)

Um… Say, mother Annie, what are you doing for Valentine’s Day?

::: looks around :::


::: looks around again :::

::: pauses :::

::: runs away :::

I’m sacrificing (Honey, get my cross!) and staying with Y the whole weekend while YerMan here goes off to the Big D (ublin) to see the “Lads” and cuddle his Mummy because he’s a big mummy’s boy!


What? You’re not letting him play any Wolf?

Annie, I thought you loved him …

He’s going to play all sorts of games with the lads and go to the pub and have pints and not have to call to say he’ll be late.

Plus, he’ll get to sleep in, eat a meal uninterrupted, have a conversation that doesn’t include the words, “That’s dangerous. Stop that. You’ll get a biiiig ouchie.”


You’ll be married soon, and your wife will be able to boss your life around, too. Hah!

Yay! Welcome to the dope B e m u s e d!


(Annie… will you get your boy to give my boy a big manly hug for me?)

I now have that in writing.


I didn’t know that came with the package. Cooooool.

And “honey” gag, you can play as many computer games as you want :smiley:

Don’t ever say I don’t love you.

Now light of my life,

Fair is fair, you were the one to insist that I go over. As for having a conversation as you described, that made me laugh and it’s true! Since you deem all that has happened around this event suitable for public consumption I find it strange that there is no mention of the nice pressie you received. Then again, I suppose to say nice things about me just isn’t your idiom baby.

See you Sunday with lots of tall tales

I got earrings. Very nice.

He got?
A big fat nothing. Being away from me for a whole two nights and three days is enough of a gift for anyone.

Tir, will do, darling. It’ll be an Irish-John group hug.

Tell your boy-o to bring you over here for a visit. You guys can take care of Y for a few hours. Think of it as a birth control!


Don’t forget to include the following clause in your marriage vows:

I, Elenfair, get to be the boss of you, lno, forever and ever, Amen.


Gotcha covered. ::: thumbs up :smiley: :::