I Laughed So Hard....

Did you happen to see “When Good Pets Go Bad” on Fox Thursday night?

Guy goes to answer the call of nature in a donkey pasture, and the donkey decides he likes the looks of that and tries to get some. They had to blur out the donkey’s privates for TV.

Did you happen to see “When Good Pets Go Bad” on Fox Thursday night?

Why is the first visual that I have of a bunch of toy poodles named FiFi standing around wearing spiked collars and smoking cigerettes under a broken street lamp somewhere in Harlem?

Oh, Gary Larson, How we miss ye…

Well, unlike Rysdad here, I’ve never spit out my drink at the screen, but this is a school computer lab and they don’t allow drinks. (That’s probably why.) However, when I was reading bj0rn’s thread in the Great Debates, and got down to the line about how “all ships go to C”, I almost fell off my chair. If I’d had a drink, there would be a couple hundred fewer dollars in my student account right now.

God is dead. -Nietzsche
Nietzsche is dead. -God
Neitzsche is God. -Dead

My friend James has an incestuous lesbian cat. Does that count?