I lost my job! <<expletive deleted>>

I started a new job on the 1st of June, delivering 5 gallon jugs of bottled spring water for water-coolers. I lost my job at the end of the workday Tuesday the 13th, just 2 days before my training would have been completed.

The reason there was a job opening in the first place, was because the company had a employee who had been injured, on his own time. He had a mishap riding his motorcycle and fell off, injuring his shoulder. He was unable to perform his job due to the injury, so he was either going to be let go, or out on disability. Well Mr. Injury called in the 13th, and said he had a signed release from his doctor to allow him to return to work, so he stole back the job I was training for. <<<<infinite expletives deleted>>>>

My boss felt really bad about the whole ordeal and said he would do everything he could to help get another job and have an excellent reference. He said I had been doing a great job, but “legally speaking” he had to take back the other guy.

I am sooooo disappointed, because this was the ONLY job I ever had, that I liked 100%. There was nothing about it I had a complaint with, with the exception of some real screwball customers who “aren’t all there.” They didn’t make me upset though, just hard to keep from laughing at them. Some real oddballs out there.

The only real problem I have now, is my friends all nagging me: “Get a job yet?” arrrrrrrgh. I have a car, I have an excellent reference, so I have no excuses. I am out looking and applying, but it seems “other people” believe one should be able to get a new job literally overnight. This is utter nonsense. Unless, of course, I were to take a worthless job such as fast-food, at min. wage, and part time, which would be a waste of my time and skills. Sure, a job is a job, but I believe one should like their job, in order to perform well in it.

In the meantime of my job-hunting I have been doing odd jobs such as housecleaning, house/dog-sitting, and I signed up for some volunteer work but have not heard back from the vol. org. yet.

Well that’s enough MPSIMS for now. I just thought I would let everyone know what’s going on that I haven’t been posting lately. I will let you know when I get a new job.

PS>… anyone wanna give that guy who stole my job, another “convenient accident?” LOL

I see your post is several minutes ago.
Got a job yet, or are you still sitting around hanging out at Internet message boards?

MSK, I sympathize. A few years ago, when I was looking for a job, people were forever asking when I was going to get one. As if the employers were knocking my door down and I was taking my sweet time accepting one of many offers.

The weird part of it was that once I had found a job, I kept getting all these calls for interviews (from places who had waited over a month to call me). Then when I would politely say, “Oh, I’ve already accepted a position,” they’d say, “Well, then, why did you send your resume?” Argh!

Bummer!! Don’t fret your friends’ comments – they mean well. And shoot, it’s summer – a few of them are probably a bit jealous.

But don’t let too much time pass before taking another job, even if it’s part-time, dead-end, not equal to your talents. Big gaps (more than a month or two) in your employment history don’t look good to future employers.

If nothing else, sign on with a temp agency while you look for something that suits you. Or sign up for some classes – the gap can be filled in with school. Makes you look energetic, enthusiastic, motivated.

Or just fudge the dates on your app – lots of places don’t check that carefully.

You will keep us posted, won’t you?

That sucks, I remember you were looking forward to it.

This may sound nuts, but try your local Toys R US, they always seem to be hiring (the signs say “Starting at $7.80/hr” in my town).

Good Luck!

Even In-n-out pays better. $10 to start.

Of course you could get a BS office job and start 12-15$ hourly with only the knowledge of how to use a computer.


Oh GaWd, I haven’t been in the workforce in ages (and when I was, I wasn’t exactly paid hourly).

I was just trying to help. :stuck_out_tongue: See if you get a Sue Sandwich now!

:confused::confused::confused: :smiley:

My sentiments exactly! Well said!

My sympathies as well.

I would urge you to follow the advice that others have offered, and particularly to keep in touch with your former boss for future openings at the company. You might also try to find a similar type of job, as your former boss’s reference might really help, considering that a similar position would require similar skills and your former boss could attest to those skills (he might not be too thrilled to recommend you to a direct competitor, though).

Sue–when I worked for Toys R Us in the summer of 1985, they were paying $3.45 an hour IIRC…

MagicalSilverKey, I still get calls from employers that I sent resumes to over 6 months ago. I find that amusing… as an employer, I wouldn’t hire someone who was still out of work after 6 months!!! yet they invariably ask the same first question: “So, are you working yet?”

Good luck on the job hunt, and I agree on the temp agency idea. There is frequently less of a time commitment with temp jobs, so that if the good job comes along, you can still take it.

There are some positive points to my recent job/loss…

I now have enough money to fix my car, which I should be getting worked on next week (July 1st…)

I have a good reference.

My attitude has changed condiserably from being useful for a period of time.

I guess in the meantime I should take a dead end job, just to keep the gap filled. What harm can it do? I suppose anything is better than nothing. I am fighting discouragement though and it seems the opposition is advancing :frowning: God it’s tough to keep your chin up even with a good reference. I was beginning to have a sense of self security again, only to have it pulled out from under me. I was looking up apartment ads on my lunch break the same day I got let go :frowning: Damn Damn Damn. I feel so emasculated.

Every minute of every day gets harder and harder to keep looking and trying to find a new job. Looking for a job is more work than a JOB itself! Ugh! What really burns me is the way the hiring process works these days… fill out app, wait for interview, go to interview, they schedule a second interview after first interview, some places even have 3 freaking interviews! How sadistic! As if one alone was not enough to endure. There may be a lot of jobs out there right now, but they are hard to get because of all the B.S. red tape and such. What ever happened to the good ole days where if you wanted to work, that’s all you needed to get the job. Y2K SUCKS!

Hey, that’s what I do! I highly recommend it.

Oh yeah, I get this all the time. Can’t stand it. I actually had one place call me a friggin’ year after I interviewed with them and offer me a position, then the guy sounded dejected when I said I already had a job. Like I was supposed to wait around for a year, hoping they’d call back. Sheesh.

you can have mine

Well, here I go again, I have some places to apply at today. Wish me luck!

MSK … should you have any interest in delivering mail for a living, I can fill you in on how to cheat that cheat proof government postal exam.

GaWd -

Good Lord! Where do you live!!!

I had no idea that one could just work at In’n’Out and make $10/hr! Or that BS office jobs that require no skills start at $12-$15 bucks an hour! I’ve been working $8-$9/hr BS office jobs for over a year and not until recently did anyone get around to offering me $10/hr, and this job sure as hell requires skill and intelligence.

So where is this land of milk and honey where it’s so easy to get such a nice, good paying job without any skills or experience? San Diego may have nice weather, but I’m obviously living in the wrong town!

[end Hi, Jack!]