I Love Boston College or Notre Dame goes down

Any irish fans here? Hope you enjoed being (almost) on top while it lasted…better luck next year.

Ah, I perceive that you speak of an athletic contest of some kind.


You perceive correctly :slight_smile: There is not a single college that I hate as much as Notre Dame. To see them go down again to BC just warms my heart.

Subway alumnus here.

Am I surprised this happened? Is ANY Notre Dame fan really surprised? Nah! Notre Dame has a PRETTY good team, not a great one, and they’ve needed a few lucky breaks to win some close ones. Sooner or later, they were bound to lose one… maybe two or three, before it’s over.

Fact remains, Tyrone WIllingham has proven that he’s the guy the Irish SHOULD have hired in the first place (George O’Leary’s falsified resume was a lucky break for Notre Dame). He’s had a mediocre team playing over its head for most of the season, which has enabled them to WIN a lot of the close games they’d been losing over the past few years.

Notre Dame is not an elite team now, but Willingham has them back in the spotlight, which means he’s going to be able to attract many more of the top recruits, who’d been shunning South Bend in recent years. A few years down the road, they’re going to be a powerhouse again.

NOBODY expected the Irish to go all the way this year. This was Willingham’s first season, and most of us would have been delighted if he went 8-3 or 7-4 and got the Irish to a respectable, mid-level bowl. He’s already achieved at LEAST that much. I expect they’ll be perennial contenders again before you know it.

Let’s also be sure to send out our warmest feelings towards the Pittsburgh Panthers for once again putting a certain pretender in its place. Indeed, I think I’ll make a VCR tape consisting of the Pittsburgh locker room victory song repeating over and over and over again. And send it to my Hokie brother.

As for the Irish, perhaps they should put away the green jerseys for a while.

VA Tech lost :frowning:

Welp, I guess thats what happens when we play like crap.

U of M thumped Michigan State in their biggest victory since 1947.

Good thing I didn’t take up a friend’s offer to watch the game at her house in Ann Arbor. I might be sitting in a jail cell right now, my green and white clothing stained with Wolverine blood. :slight_smile: