Or group of dentists. They are open 6am-8pm 365 days a year, Sundays and holidays included. If you don’t mind possibly not getting the dentist who normally sees you, this is very convenient. Last weekend, a holiday weekend, the 18th being Presidents’ Day, I finally called them Sunday morning at 7am regarding a problem tooth that had been nagging at me for a couple of weeks. 7am on a Sunday morning of a holiday weekend. They offered to see me in half an hour. But I’d just gotten up, so we agreed on 12:30pm. Turns out I did see one of my two regular dentists, and the problem was fixed quickly.
My Doctors office has a weekend and afterhours urgent care clinic. I have partaken of the services exactly once. But, boy did I need them. Saved my insurance company the cost of an ER visit. And they didn’t even thank me. A dentist one would be nice to have.
I wish there was something like that in my town, I am afraid that a dental emergency would mean the ER for me. Although I do really like my dentist and his staff, they are great people.
My pets do not worry, as there is a 24/7 vet, a vet emergency clinic, and one vet office that is open just at night.
And there used to be a nightcare for kids, as opposed to daycare.
I like my current dentist because is very good at explaining what’s going on, what’s needed, my options, and is sensitive to cost being an issue sometimes.
By explain, I mean not only with words but also showing me x-rays and pictures to illustrate things.
He’s also very good at explaining procedures, how things are going to go, and what exactly he and his office staff are going to do.
He’s very conscientious about pain control.
My most recent dental adventure is the repair of a tooth cracked across the entire crown. His office ran the treatment plan by my insurance so I knew exactly how much it was going to cost me out of pocket (was not expecting that $500 bill this month, but my finances have improved to the point where a sudden unexpected $500 is something I can pay off immediately without worrying about how I’m going to afford to eat next week.)
Where he gets dinged occasionally is that he doesn’t always have the warmest chair-side manner. If he has to deliver bad news he’s going to deliver the bad news. This sometimes makes people unhappy. Me, I appreciate the honesty.
Unfortunately, now that I’m in my mid-50’s it looks like some wear and tear is catching up with my mouth (cracked tooth, ya know?). But there are people a lot worse off than me in regards to their teeth. At least I have access to good dental care.
I used to have a dentist who put a crown on a tooth and, two days later on a Saturday, it came off. I called the office and left a message and she called me back later saying to meet her at the office around 4pm. I got there and she met me, dressed in an evening gown and obviously en route to some formal event. The office was closed but she opened it up and reattached the crown for me. The mental visual of us in a mainly dark office with her working on me while dressed to the nines still amuses me – feels like something out of a movie. Plus you can’t argue with her dedication or service. Sadly, my insurance changed and I had to switch dentists and while I’m very happy with my new dentist office, I probably won’t get any future black tie service.