I am a recreational target shooter, a paper puncher and clay pigeon buster, there’s nothing better than a nice relaxing day at the Rod and Gun club, punchin’ paper, I predominantly shoot my Ruger 10/22 .22 carbine rifle, my CZ-75B 9mm pistol, and my current favorite, my Kimber Custom II .45 ACP 1911 pistol
Of all three firearms, my favorite is the .45 Kimber, there’s just something visceral about punching almost-half-inch holes in targets, the only real downsides to the .45 is that I tend to go through plywood target supports rather quickly, after 100-150 rounds, the plywood support I staple the paper target to tends to take on the appearance of swiss cheese, and there’s also that horrible, stabbing, burning sensation in my wallet every time I pull the trigger, the .45 is loads of fun, but is also rather expensive to shoot ($30 for a box of 100 Winchester rounds at wally-world)
About a month ago, I picked up a used Lee Progressive 1000 reloading press already set up for .45 ACP, and have slowly been building up both my knowledge, and my reloading supplies, and today, I took my first major step into the reloading hobby, I took my first batch of reloads to the range
to say I was apprehensive about firing them would be an understatement, visions swam in my head of underpowered squib loads, inaccurate, keyholing bullets, or even my gun blowing up on me because I got the formula “wrong”
I loaded a single round into the Kimber’s mag, loaded the gun, braced myself, and fired my first reload…
It worked brilliantly, the first round was dead-on-target, and the load had a nice, controllable recoil, and a quieter report than the factory Winchester ammo, it was a far more pleasant round to shoot than the Winchester White Box (WWB) ammo
I then proceeded to use up the Winchester ammo so I could get back to my reloads, before firing off my last batch of reloads, I put up a fresh target, and fired the reloads, the results were pretty impressive, to say the least
Shots were taken from 22 feet away, bracing my arms on the shooting bench, and bear in mind, these are my first reloads, and I’m also new to the Kimber Custom II as well, I’ve had it about two weeks, and have only got out to shoot it three times so far (two times last weekend, and today)
Needless to say, I’m quite happy with this load, it’s got a nice, pleasant recoil, and reasonably quiet report, and it’s quite accurate to boot
And the best part is that that stabbing pain in my wallet has greatly reduced itself to almost ignorable levels, I’ve got plenty of .45 brass, so all I need is the gunpowder, primers, and bullets
Primers; $3 per pack of 100
Powder; $20 for 1LB (good for approx 1300-1400 bullets at a 5 grain load, and I’m loading 4.5 grains)
lead round nose bullets $22 for 200
the powder will last the longest of the above supplies, the main recurring expenses will be the primers and the bullets, the brass is basically free, and since I’m shooting a low pressure, subsonic target load, the brass should last basically forever, and the wear-and-tear on the gun itself will also be greatly reduced thanks to the lower pressure rounds