I love this British shit and I move move to England!

“Branston Pickles near me” shows I can buy them at several stores ~1 hour away. Amazon, for nearly the same price, puts stuff in my mailbox.

Bummer! :angry:

Enjoy! You only need a little, so don’t spread it too thickly.

Let us know how it goes.

I’ve enjoyed Marmite on toast, so I’m prepared to spread thin. :beers:

What you can do is get a tin of pilchards/sardines in tomato sauce and empty it all into a blender and whizz it into a smooth paste with salt and pepper, a finely chopped onion and a little hot paprika or cayenne. Keeps in the fridge for a few days easily and is excellent as the base of a sandwich with salad on top or just for dipping in crudites or bread sticks etc.

My own chilhood favourite was thick wholemeal bread, a good layer of butter, the fish paste on that and then chopped sweet pickled onions on top.

I don’t know what it is like elsewhere in the world but in the UK such tins of sardines are easy to get and very, very cheap. In terms of protein per £ it must be right up there.

Vera. I love Vera. I think the first two seasons are behind a paywall, but the rest are available.
I also love Shetland, but that’s behind a paywall, too. I’m waiting for the new season.

I watched much or all of Shetland on PBS. And Vera airs there regularly although I haven’t been watching it. (Which is kind of a flaw with Britbox, in that much of the content is available for free elsewhere.)

I know it makes me a bad South African, but I prefer Gentleman’s Relish to Peck’s when I can get it.

Scandalous! Next thing you’ll be saying you prefer a Victoria sponge to a melktart.

Actually not a huge melktert fan. I prefer Pastéis de Nata (from Coimbra, of course.) Or if I’m making it myself, a nice bake mete.

I am a malva loyalist, though.

Just started Shakespeare and Hathaway

I saw part of the 1st episode several months back and quit on it because I was bored. Then I watched a full one with the wife and now we are 10 episodes in a liking it quite a bit.

i dont mind depressing brit cop shows but i found vera a bit too depressing …i mean in the 2 or 3 episodes ive seen is if she wasn’t such a good cop/detective shed have no redeemable qualities as a person …

If you follow the whole thing through (umpteen series!), there’s a whole back-story emerges, if only in occasional hints and flashes: difficult family history, coming up through the ranks when it was that much harder for a woman,
disappointed in love, generally any number of reasons for losing herself in work, and being driven, asocial and generally grumpy (but not all the time). And Brenda Blethyn does a brilliant job in acting that out.

In everything she does.

Okay, I have a panel show mystery to solve that’s been bugging me.

A while back, I watched one of the panel shows on Youtube. I can’t remember which one it was, but it was one of the slightly less popular ones. There was a segment where they would do an “experiment” to sort of demonstrate a fact or “see if it’s true.” The one I remember vividly was that people can tell their family members by scent alone, so they blindfolded people, had their mothers come on, and had them try to sniff out which mother was theirs. As I recall, every person successfully found their own mom.
I know it was a regular segment on the show. The experiment thing, I mean, not specifically parent-sniffing. But I can’t remember the name of the show.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

I really enjoyed Survivors (2008 TV series). Standard post-deadly-flu-pandemic fare with a small band of [ahem] survivors making their way through the apocalypse. Later episodes feature Nikki Amuka-Bird; how wrong could you go? It’s rentable on Amazon.

If you get really into it, though, beware the following:

The end of Season 2 was written with the assumption there would be a Season 3 to resolve the cliffhanger. But Season 3 never materialized.

Was it “Duck Quacks Don’t Echo” with Lee Mack?

That’s it! Thanks! Looks like I had it wrong in that the whole “experiments to see if the factoids are true” thing isn’t one segment but essentially the whole basis of the show.

What killed it for me was wondering how come their clothes stayed so clean and ironed?

There was a similar series back in the 70s (when apocalypses never seemed far away), but I suppose its production values might seem pretty hokey today.

Amazon has Anchovette…

I prefer Gentleman’s Relish to Peck’s…

… prefer a Victoria sponge to a melktart.

Actually not a huge melktert fan. I prefer Pastéis de Nata (from Coimbra, of course.) Or if I’m making it myself, a nice bake mete…

I am a malva loyalist, though.

C’mon, y’all’re just making stuff up now, aincha?

I thought this board frowned on posting in foreign tongues…