Neko Case is officially the Sexiest Babe in Indie Rock.
I know, I know. Duh. But an online Playboy survey confirmed it, so it must be true. (Never fear – the link is work-friendly, unless your work doesn’t like Canadian newspaper articles.)
I heard about the poll while it was still going on. Someone sent the link to a Neko mailing list I’m on, and encouraged fellow fans to support Neko and vote to see her naked.
Now, I admit it. I’d like to see Neko Case naked. I even voted for her in the poll. But I felt kinda guilty about it. Guiltier than she did, apparently – she voted for someone else in the poll.
I’m not anti-Playboy. If Neko did decide to pose for the magazine, I’d probably pick up a copy.* (On second thought, scratch the probably.)
And I’m not anti-voting-in-sexy-artist-polls. If they do a Sexiest Babe in Corporate Rock poll, I’m voting for Mariah Carey. I don’t want to hear her sing, but I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her.
But it just feels different with someone I respect and have seen in concert. I have coworkers and friends who are perfectly nice women and quite lovely, but I wouldn’t dream of trying to compliment them by asking them to pose for Playboy. Even those hot Russian twins who work on a different floor.** And not just because I could get in trouble with HR – because it’s just not the kind of thing you say to friends and coworkers.
I’m rambling, but I’ve been mulling this over for a while. Anyone else have an opinion about this? I don’t mean about Neko in particular – poll’s over and done with, she’s probably not posing (and gives some smart reasons why not).
But doesn’t it seem a little weird to treat your favorite artist like a coed at Mardi Gras?
*(In fact, I have seen her in some nice cheesecake shots that I won’t link to from here. She posed for a Seattle-based magazine called Kutie a few years back.)
**(I’d definitely buy their issue. But I wouldn’t read it at work.)