Anyone else love the smell of snake oil in the morning?
Did I read correctly that they plan to generate fusion power by pulsing a plasma that does not fuse? Sounds like losses per unit sales made up for by volume.
Also - why would turbines ever be involed in a plasma fusion scheme?
Potential Theranos investors had to put their money somewhere.
No, they plan to generate fusion power by pulsing a plasma that doesn’t “ignite”. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t fuse, it just means it can’t sustain fusion on its own. You still get a fusion reaction that can release more energy than you used to trigger it.
Ignorance fought - thanks!
And it would presumably involve turbines because, like almost any sort of power generation including fission, they’re extracting the energy as heat, and the usual way to make use of heat to generate electricity is to use it to boil water and run the steam through a turbine.
They say that they are generating electricity directly from magnetic field manipulation.
The Turbine reference is something to do with magnetic fields, also.
It states they are eliminating the use of turbines.
Steon Orbo: character from GoT or LotR?
Oh man, I used to be fascinated by Steorn since they nearly stole my username. Gonna have to go see what they’re up to now.
He’s that guy that is perpetually in motion…
I read the salespitch article thingy linked in the op. The whole time I was wondering what it was the seventh generation of and if it was so successful at generating a useable and economically viable amount of power why we hadn’t heard of this before, I mean “fusion” and “power generation” together in a sentence is Big News (c) right?
Now it makes sense, seventh generation of a perpetual motion machine generating power via the motion of currency from suck—um, I mean investor’s wallets to their wallets.
The “tech start-up investment scheme” is a really fascinating grift for a career choice.