I miss...........?

My volunteer work at the animal shelter. I was supposed to be trained for some high-level jobs this summer. I also miss visiting with the critters and connecting them with the right forever homes. It’s a county shelter and it’s suspended all volunteer work for the foreseeable future. :frowning:

Pineapple flavor Tootsie-Roll Pops. Haven’t seen one since the 50’s.

Damn coronavirus! It ruins everything!

May I ask why you’re not using Discord’s built in video chat? Our GM is planning a session later this week using just Discord and I’ve never used it.

As for the OP, I miss going to greasy-spoon diners for breakfast the most.

Oh, I forgot the Library,
I know you can get anything, practically on Kindle or Amazon.

I like the smell and feel of the actual place. I spent several months volunteering there in 2018 and kinda got overloaded on it. I was just starting to feel comfortable there, again.

Dining indoors at restaurants. My hobby is to go around to mom-and-pop restaurants, particularly Asian ones, for lunch during the week. I can still get to-go food, of course, but a lot of food doesn’t lend itself to takeout.

I miss my favorite sushi bar, where they all know me and seat me at my favorite place. I miss pho, shrimp wonton soup, and Thai shrimp salad.

There is limited outdoor seating at some restaurants in my town, but Mr. brown doesn’t want to chance even that and I can’t say I blame him. He’s 68 and in a high-risk group.

Let me clarify. I’m in several groups that use Discord alone (including its video chat), and it usually works quite well. Discord is pretty bandwidth-light, especially compared to Roll20 (which we tried with one group, and it simply wouldn’t work for the one player who has rural internet, and it wasn’t much better for the player who only has an iPad). If you have a choice between using the Discord app and using it in a web browser, I suggest the former; video wasn’t available at all in the browser version at all until recently, and it still seems to be kind of buggy.

But, there’s one group I’m in, where we just use Zoom, as several of the guys prefer it, and one of them has a paid account, so we don’t face the time cut-off that free accounts have to deal with.

I miss having things to look forward to. Vacations, holidays, get-togethers with friends and family, concerts, performances, parties, you name it. It’s all postponed to a hazy “someday” which seems to get further away with each passing day.

I miss watching the news and hearing about interesting things happening all over the world. Now the news is relentless no-end-in-sight pessimism, with a nonstop parade of grim-faced experts telling us that things are going to get much, much worse before they get better.

Oops. Clumsy moi.

Edit- Wait a sec. Beck didn’t say anything about specifically since the virus struck. I rescind my apology.

Yeah, the one-way thing in stores is something I hope will go back to normal after the emergency passes.
I miss my night-owl ways. No more 24-hour shopping except at my local gas station.

@TreacherousCretin, I enjoyed your tootsie pop post. Alot. :blush:

I miss having a job. Other than that, we are essentially COVID free in New Zealand and life is normal.

I just enjoyed the chance to blame the coronavirus for the missing tootsie-pops. That sneaky virus, creeping around with its cloak held before its face like a vaudevillian villain.

I enjoyed you post, as well @begbert2. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Playing music w/ friends. I play bass/banjo in several jams. For the past several years I’ve played in a Sat a.m. jam at a local farmer’s market in the summer, and a coffee shop in the winter. And I’m in a smaller string band that used to play at old folks’ homes and at parties/bars… Also, each year I go to a “music camp”, which was canceled this year.

I really miss all of that. Not much more.

Well oh-KAY then.

Going to the lake, water sking, swimming, fishing, and chatting with friends.

The big lakes like Degray and Millwood are always busy in the summer. I wouldn’t risk going this year.

Heck, just being outside is a rare luxury anymore.

@aceplace57, I like your avatar.

We have a lakehouse on a state park lake. The park has reopened, as of last week.
I think we’re going on Saturday and have a day out. We won’t be fraternizing with anyone else. I’m still not comfortable away from the house.
I think the lakehouse will be safe. I hope.

Sigh, me too. That’s how I spent many an evening, and most NFL/MLB games on the weekends.

And that’s how the wife and I “distanced” before it was a thing.

(One of my fondest memories is the night after dinner when I started telling her a long story only to be met with a raised eyebrow and “Isn’t this the night where that… sporting event is on at the tavern? The one you just had to run over there and watch?”
“Uhhh… yeah! That sporting event with that ball, and everyone really wants one of the teams to win… See you later!”)

I miss being comfortable going grocery shopping and not having mild panic attacks when some douchenozzle comes with my 6ft bubble.

I really, really miss my students. Several are homeless. One young man who has some developmental disabilities is living in a tent under an overpass in Portland. I have to do weekly attendance every Sunday and when I come to his name I have to put a “0” for the hours and explain why. And then repeat the process for the other ~15 students in a similar situation. I really, really miss not having to do that. I’m sick of being worried sick about them.

I miss having the fucking DMV open. We bought a used car two days before the DMV closed here in Oregon and the tags are due to be renewed in October. I would really like to get this shit done. Now.