I need a Citrix expert. Please help!

At my work, Citrix support is a very small part of what I actually do. A request has been made for a list of every published application we have as well as the usergroups assigned to each published application.

We are running Metaframe server 1.8 SP3 on Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition

It seems like there should be a command or script I can run to extract this information from the published application manager. But I’ll be damned if I can locate how to do this anywhere.

Does anyone know how to go about extracting into a text format the list of published applications and the user groups assigned to each published app?

Thanks in advance.

dammit. Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to turn on email notification for replies so I’m doing it now.

Not sure about that specific script, but if it’s anywhere, it’s probably here. Check out the forums.

Or at Thethin.net.

Thanks diku. I’ll have a look.