I need a snack for preschool kids that starts with "U"

I saw you eating under there.

Under where?

You were eating underwear!

Ube, a purple yam
Ultra Slim Fast
Umble pie, which dictionary.com helpfully defines as a pie made of umbles.
Umeboshi, a type of pickled plum

Umbles are the guts of an animal: hearts, lungs, stomach, intestines, etc.

I’d recommend this along with uccelletti (an Italian dish made of small roasted birds served whole), ulitka (a Russian dish made from snails), and uni (a Japanese dish made from sea urchins).

This should get you out of any future snack day duties.

I got a Polish one: uszka (“little ears”), which are basically the Polish take on tortellini. If you live in or near a Polish area, you might find them packaged like this or similarly in the frozen section.

Ugali is a sort of East African polenta.

Puffed wheat (the ‘P’ is silent!)

Onion bhajhi (well it sounds like a ‘U’)

Unsalted crisps


Give them a hamburger and tell them it’s fried ungulate.

Since Passover is coming, how about “unleavened bread”?

Serve Pop Rocks and Coke. Tell 'em the dish is called “uuuuurrrrrrp!

I was going to suggest Nabisco’s Uneeda Biscuit. The first cracker that Nabisco ever made. This was the brand MAD magazine made fun for so long. In the classic Frank N Stain parody, the doctor’s assistant robs the brain from the Uneeda Laboratories.

Sadly that classic saltine was just discontinued last year after more than 100 years in the market.

Personally, like upside-down cake. A pre-schooler will understand that. Also, it’s yummy.

An Uzi.

I can tell you love children.
With a dash of worcestershire…