I Need Some Special Wire For A Craft Project

I have a craft project involving just a few small LEDs.
I need some 2 conductor wire that’s super flexible and limp - about 30 gauge or thinner. Preferably black or a dark color. A round aspect would be ideal.

I thought I could find it at craft stores or model train/dollhouse supplies, but I’ve struck out.

I don’t need much - maybe 50’ or so, but I don’t mind purchasing more if it’s the right wire.

Anyone have any ideas?

You can find kits on Amazon with 6 colors of 30 AWG wire in a spool package; then you just make your own pairs. ETA: The links are correct; you just have to choose size at Amazon.


Thanks, but I won’t zip-tie wires together if that’s what you mean. I need one wire with 2 conductors.

E-tape, brother. E-tape is your friend.

Something like this, used for cheap earbuds, might work (pick the 32 AWG size):

You could scavenge some from old/cheap ear buds or headphones too.

This may be perfect. Thank you!