I now cringe at stuff because I am sure furry fetishists will like it!

Watching Ice Age 4 with the kid they now have the female mammoths looking creepily half way between human and mammoth, including long straight human head hair and weirdly anthropomorphic design.

First thought I had besides being creeped out by the design was that even as I spoke tons of furry fetish artwork had likely already been made with these humammoths! :eek: Just think of the furry porn this will inspire I said.

I find that as I watch stuff now the furry porn has me so scarred I get angry at stuff I know will inspire it!

So, stop going to the Furry/ Cartoon galleries at Imagefap. Let those who don’t cringe enjoy their little fantasies and you don’t need to think about it at all.

I wish I could go back to a time where I could watch the Thundercats reboot without imagining all the Mumra/Cheetara porn that is probably reproducing like a bacteria exponentially out there…online.

I’m bugged by the prevalence of human breast design on furry art, especially on originally quadruped animals. It just makes no sense.

Back in time? To when? Porn based on carton characters has been around as long as there have been cartoon characters.
In the interest of research, look up “Disney Tijuana Bibles.” Seeing Donald being frustrated because the only duck prostitute he could find was “a fruit” should not affect anyone’s enjoyment of the original cartoons.

Or is your complaint that the anthropomorphic animals in furry porn are too anthropomorphic? That road leads to zoophilia, my friend, or to animal husbandry pamphlets from the county agent’s office.

If this bothers you, my advice is to stop thinking about anything at all, because just about everything is a source of potential titillation to someone. I’ve seen websites devoted to people who apparently get turned on by people being flattened by steamrolers, or blown up like balloons, or otherwise treated like cartoon characters. “Furry” is just the tip of the iceberg. And, as DrFidelius points out, it’s been around a long time. There are cartoons of anthropomorphic animals going back to the days of the pyramids (literally – they’ve found such things), and I don’t doubt that some folks were thinking about these i sexual ways.

But then there sare folks turned on by slapstick vioence, by excessively hairy women, by machines that already exist (and ones that can be devised), by different places (where one might conceivably have sex), with different occupations,… the list is interminable. If you’re going to be bothered by something because someone else might be sexually excited by it, then just roll up in a protective ball and cut off all connection with humanity.

Except that somewhere, someone finds that idea incredibly sexually appealing.

She wants you. Bad.

I was thinking more along the lines of an armadillo.

An armadillo with sexy human eyes, an unaccountably human hourglass shape, and soft fur.

But, Og help us, there are plenty of drawings by people who find insect shapes sexually attractive.

grude can’t help it. He has a fetish for unaroused people, and the knowledge of other people’s excitement is killing his boner.

I’ve never understood why, of all the weird porn out there, furry porn inspires such negativity. Is it because, unlike balloon porn or furniture porn, the subjects are at least humanoid, and it triggers some kind of uncanny valley reaction? I dunno, I’ve seen zombie porn, and while it did gross me out ('cause, you know, entrails), I can’t say it spoiled my enjoyment of Shaun of the Dead.

I’m writing erotic fanfiction based on grude’s posts right now.

Well, I think there’s a bit of uncanny valley, a bit of knowing that there are real innocent animals out there who could potentially end up being hurt by this (unlike, say, a balloon fetish – you can’t hurt a balloon), and --just my guess here-- I suspect in Grude’s case a lot of discomfort from realizing that people are getting aroused from a childrens’ movie and/or children’s teddy bear’s and other toys. If someone wants to get turned on by tax forms, or being fired, or guns, or some other adult-world thing, that’s all fine and dandy, but getting turned on by images specifically designed for children is maybe something a little less comfortable – both because it’s a little scary imagining a child around someone like that, and because one might suspect that a person with this fetish has issues with growing up that one might prefer to not think about.

Your only choice is to become that which you most despise

By all that’s holy, do NOT let grude open a copy of Omaha the Cat Dancer. He won’t let us have cats, dogs and ducks for pets anymore.

I take it you’re not familiar with Rule 34.

Also, for the sake of your blood pressure, I would be cautious watching sporting events involving teams with animal mascots. Watching, for example, a University of Wisconsin football game with the inevitable shots of Bucky Badger cavorting with the UW cheerleaders can be a disturbing experience once you realize there’s at a few people out who are (1) getting aroused at these these shots and (2) not because of the cheerleaders.

Add some glasses and she could be vice president!

It’s not too bad unless it’s necrophiliac furry porn.

I saw that as well. However, a little research seems to indicate that the actor who provides the voice of Peaches is much less grating upon the ear.

grude… I am with you 110%. Furry is murder.

Soon enough we will see cosmetic surgeries that will allow people to grow fur, have bushy tails and snouts… Then we will have a great national debate on the topic of “are fursexuals granted the same rights as the rest of us?”.

What do you mean, “soon enough”?

…A slippery slope we are on… Yes indeed.

Yeah, exactly (also check out their other products).