I pit dieing

I haven’t pedanted at all today; I’ll have to remedy that toot sweet!

Don’t be rediculous.

Ok, you got me. I should have checked whether it was a word before I used that in my argument. Blinded by rage, you see.

Like Blackberry said, it just looks so wrong, how can someone misspell it and think it’s okay?

P.S. I’m a she. :slight_smile:

Hey, don’t belittle my self of steam.

It’s hypocrasy, i tell you!

Where do we stand on dyeing?

Sorry, not every Doper reveals their gender readily. A few make it obvious and then I have to keep up with that. Just consider it the multi-purpose form of ‘he’, like ‘mankind’, that applies to everyone.

ETA: I understand the ‘blinded by rage’ thing. It’s an important part of a really good rant.

When I was a kid, mine was cauliflower. I spelled it “cauliflour”. Yes, I cryed in bitter frustration.

Somebody must of taken there pedant pills today.

Can somebody reign in this thread before it gets out of hand?

I think someone needs a trip down the medication isle at the supermarket.

I dy a little every time I see it.

I’ve got a close friend who’s dieing. I thought about showing him this thread, but if he saw the word “dieing”, it’d push him over the edge.

I’m on you’re side! They should no better than too post such errers.

I confess, that is one of my chronic errors. Luckily, I rarely need the word.

I love English. Pedants always find some example in the OED where the misspelled word was used, which makes it legitimate. Spanish, now, is so boring, what with its consistent spelling and pronunciation.

And, yes, I realize that even though I checked this over before posting, there’s sure to be a misspelling.

Pedants gotta pedant, you know. :slight_smile:

So you can all feel my pain, I have a sister who says, “Supposably.” Argh.

Ow… my… poor… brain.

When I read this, my head literally exploded.

You guys have got to set the breaks on this sort of thing. It’s not becoming.

“Dieing” should be in quotation marks, since you’re referring to the word itself, not the thing to which the word refers. I’m not lying.