I pit DrDeth

All of my immediate ancestors were born to conveniently miss being draftible all of the major 20th century conflicts (Grand father born 1908 and 1912, father born 1940). In fact I don’t recall any of my relatives/ancestors on either side being in the military since the Civil War, where I had Ancestors of both both on the union and confederate side.

Me too. My grandpas had real jobs that benefited society their whole lives. Shooting people on another continent never came up.

That’s cool. My grandpa was minding his own business working a real job too, when some people from another country decided to start a war. So he put on a uniform and drove civilians out of the city and supplies in until they occupied the city and killed him along with many others in a mass grave.

Wow, what a shitty way to put that. Pretty much a fuck you to all the vets combined with elitist bullshit. I mean it is the kind of thing that could have come out in a Trump tweet. Jackass.

Give him credit for being in the right thread.

So is he (FigNorton) a clueless elitist ass or a troll? Both are types of jackasses.


Both my grandfather and my father escaped the draft due to luck in the draft lottery, my father used to joke to me when I was little that in the far future when my time for military service came I would be exempted due to “genetic luck” or something like that.
The far future eventually became “next year”… and then a conscript was killed by his officers in one of their demented punishments, this caused an uproar and the draft was abolished, some of my highschool friends (born a year before me) were even drafted but ended up not needing to go due to that.

No shit, that’s up there with the “I like people who weren’t captured” idiocy from Dolt 45.

I’m surprised you don’t remember him. You mods have had to suspend him twice for repeatedly attacking people outside the Pit. I figured his posting history came up in those decisions.

That said, he has said before that he doesn’t want to be seen as a troll. So I wonder how he’ll respond to this.

Then he needs to fix the filter between his brain & his fingers and make sure it doesn’t break again.

I remember him. This was something new from him though. Mostly I was aware of his crap in the Q-Zone.

Besides, I was trying to just post as a poster here in the pit.

My grandfather was also born in 1912, and he was “convinced to join.” I’m not sure if he was drafted or volunteered. The story is he was told he did so well on the tests that he could be a corporal out of basic training if he joined, so he agreed. I have no idea if that is accurate, but he was discharged as a corporal.

Like many of the others here, he never talked about it, until the first stages of dementia were setting in, and then he would. Very sad having him go through old photos, “he died, he was killed, never found out what happened to him”. It was something else seeing this 5 foot skinny-guy-with-a-gut that was my grandfather as a buff shirtless GI somewhere in France.

One of the few stories he would tell prior to the dementia was about many cases of ammo that got wet. They couldn’t issue it to troops, so they gave my grandfather the job of recovering the copper. He and his Algerian (if I remember correctly) assistant took a machine gun out to the range. He fired it continuously, with the assistant pouring oil on the barrel, until they ran out of barrels. They were in a combat zone (as opposed to the UK, I suppose) so they just buried the whole ruined gun, and declared it lost in action (or whatever the term is for equipment, not soldiers).

He had a purple heart, and a bunch of ribbons, and a few other medals. I’m sure my uncle has them, but I don’t know the stories behind any of them.

How in the world is that elitist?

You said that people serving in wars don’t have “real jobs”. That’s snidely elitist. But you know that, troll.

Ok, I see that. Sorry if that’s how it was taken.

But to me, real jobs are constructive. The ugly work of war isn’t a “job”. Semantics, blech. But I must confess it’s a personal tick, I guess. Second hand war stories just get under my skin and I lashed out. Sorry again. You have every right to be proud of your dads’ exploits.

I’m anti-war, but even I’ll admit that making the world safe from the Axis Powers was pretty damn constructive.

Not to mention beneficial in helping dogfaces get a degree, which normally would not be available to them. My dad, for example.

One could also say the same of today’s recruits. In some cases, it’s the best way for a person to further their education. I was supposed to learn how to keep aviation electronic systems in top shape.

It is one of the “Good Wars”.

Would you be willing to be “unemployed”?