I pit everyone who didn't tell me what a fatass I was


All that money you’re not spending on Cheetos?

Join a gym.


This is really more MPSIMS than Pit material. Moved accordingly.

I don’t know. He does look fat in the first one (though he carries it well), but not particularly unhealthy otherwise. And, while he looks skinnier in the second, he looks a bit less healthy to me. He looks like I did when I lost my weight a bit too quickly, and didn’t exercise enough to become muscular. (But it may be the angle of the shot.)

Also, wierdaaron could right now pass as a high schooler. Two years ago, I would have believed him if he said he was 30.

I’ll chalk that all up to lighting…

Dark in here. Winter. I look pale. And I havent had a waffle in months, and that can do… things to a man.

RE: moving, I thought we couldn’t say the naughty words in MPS.

Well, I’m glad I got MY kick in already.

You can say naughty words anywhere on this board - it is an adult board, after all, for fuck’s sake.

Sorry about your tiny dick dude, you don’t look that fat though.

You are about my size. I mean, you were. I don’t consider myself disgustingly fat, but I know I am overweight. It does not bother me, I have a lot more interesting things to hate myself about. I only worry about it for health reasons.

By the way, you look great thin.

Dammit. 1.5 years later. 6 months ago. Bleh.

In the first pic, he’s definitely a bit heavy as you can see from the chin(s). He has a decent amount of muscle on the arms, though. In the second pic, you can’t see the arm much so it’s hard to tell, but it looks skinnier, like he’s lost some muscle as well.

Out of curiosity, do you mind stating your height, and your before/after weight?

It’s possible that I’ve lost some muscle mass, since I hear that it’s easier to break down muscle than fat, but I was never that muscley to begin with. I think I just had thick arms. People have thought the same before. I guess if there’s an ideal place to store body fat, the bicep area is probably within the top 2.

I’m 6’ or 6’1", was 232, now 173

You look great. Good job!

I’ve noticed that with a lot of before/after photos. I would have guessed the first photo as late 20s/early 30s and the second as early (or maybe a young looking mid) 20s. A friend of a friend is pretty obese; she’s in her mid 20s but from photos you would swear she was at least 40.

I think the difference in “healthiness” is because the first shot is outdoors with natural light, which is always pretty flattering, and the second is indoors with weird lighting that gives him a sickly look. Weight-wise he looks significantly overweight in the first picture and normal in the second.

So: the kid in 6th grade told you you were fat, you presumably could read your weight on a scale all these years, you saw what the sizes were on the pants you bought, you could see your 5-inch layer of belly fat on the CT 2 years ago, and you blame all the people who didn’t tell you that you were fat? Right, they should have realized that you were blind in one selective area. Please tell me you didn’t wear Speedos at the beach.

I’ll agree that you were fat before, but you look much more friendly and nice to be around…my, the things background and context will do!

I am not American and have never lived there.

Picture 1: Fat
Picture 2: Normal-sized

I think you look good in both pictures. If I hadn’t seen the second, I would have looked at the first, shrugged, and said “normal.” You definitely look much better in the second one.

I experienced the same thing myself with a less dramatic weight loss (40 pounds over about 4 years). I lost the weight because I had foie gras (fatty liver or “steatosis” in humans). Nobody ever said I was fat or looked fat, and I didn’t think I did, either. Now people who have known me for a long time keep telling me how much better I look.

So, I was fat enough to cause a health problem, albeit an asymptomatic one, and fat enough that the “after” me is praised. Yet nobody, neither friends nor family nor even the doctors interpreting blood tests, ever said anything. Since I often saw much, much fatter people, the fact that my BMI was 31 wasn’t of much concern to me. (Not that I think much of BMI. It’s now 26, for what it’s worth, and I’m not planning on losing more weight.)

As God is my witness, I have not a clue whether this entire thread is a joke, or what.

It’s actually hard to tell what shape he was in, because a portion of his body is cutoff in that first pic. His face is fuller, I’ll give you that, but seriously I wouldn’t have pegged him as a fatty fat fat fat. Not based on that picture. Just “full-bodied”.

Which probably means the people around him didn’t think he was really fat either.

I managed to get up to 200 lbs without anyone special in my life (friends, family) mentioning it. My doctor did mention it, and I was red-faced with shame. When I returned the next year, 60 lbs less, I pranced up to the scale and the doctor didn’t say a word about my weight loss! Very anticlimactic.

I do understand your experience. I thought I looked “okay” until faced with pictures. I think that when I looked in the mirror, I would stand straight, suck in, make sure my chin was lifted to avoid as much double chin action as possible. Pictures - well, they capture what’s in front of them. I avoided cameras/pictures for nearly 10 years, which is really sad, I have a 10 year photo gap.

Here is a very rare photo of me, taken at Marineland. When I look at this picture, what I remember is I used to think those pants looked great. I honestly used to think that they were slimming and flattering. Pictures don’t lie!!!

October - 2009, 4.5 years at goal weight

Holy shit, girlfriend, you look fantastic!

I think pictures really can be that wake-up call for a lot of people. For some reason the mirror doesn’t really do it. I realized I really needed to do something about my weight when I was looking through photos from my wedding rehearsal. It was shocking, like a punch in the gut. That’s what depression will do to you.

I’ve lost about 50 pounds since then, but I’ve still got progress to make, and it’s an ongoing battle.

You really can’t blame others though. My husband never notices whether I gain OR lose weight, and others who may have noticed generally don’t say anything because, well, they assume you know what your own body looks like, right? How often do we lecture people for smoking or drinking too much? If you’re anything like me, you don’t say anything because you’re aware it’s none of your business. I imagine people are 10x more cautious about issues of weight. Ultimately we are the ones who have to look at ourselves and say, ‘‘enough.’’