I pit facebook

I use facebook as a way to keep in touch with my friends only, I have less than 4 friends on facebook who aren’t people I know personally. It has been very useful to organize my friends for events by just posting up on my wall instead of getting ahold of all of them individually. It’s also a great time passer at work.

My facebook profile is set up to default to private, and even then my mom and a few other people are not supposed to see my posts. I don’t want my mother knowing my personal life and what I talk to my friends about.

Yesterday I noticed something happened on facebook to set all my wall posts not only to allow my mom to see and comment on my latest wall posts, but set most of my previous entries to PUBLIC. :mad:

I am SO FREAKING MAD ABOUT THIS. Who knows if some sort of google cache has archived some entries I would rather an employer not see when they google my name? Who knows what entries I SPECIFICALLY labelled my mom to not see, that she saw? I specifically do not allow family members to be my facebook friend, because I don’t need any of their drama that they used to keep on the phone but have now migrated to facebook? :mad::mad::mad:

I wasn’t going to bother with Google plus but now I probably will be forced to because of how stupid facebook is. If I was wealthy I would consider suing because I really am worried about who saw what now, and I have no idea how long my entries have been public. :mad:

What the fuck are you doing in your life that you’re so ashamed of, and why are you posting about it in the first place?

Never post anything online you don’t want the world to know about. That goes for email also.

MY problem with Facebook is that I can’t seem to make it completely private. I’ve gone through the options and made everything “Friends only” but when I view my profile while logged off I can still see my friends list and that I like the movie Clueless. I’d like to have those things hidden, too, not because I’m ashamed of my friends or the movie Clueless but out of a sense of completionism.

I know a greater privacy option exists (I’ve seen profiles where if you try to view them all you get is their picture), I just don’t know how to get it to that.

That’s easy- just go to the option where you can completely block certain people, and put in the names of everyone in the world. Ta-da!

While I’m more than willing to type in the names of all 750 million active Facebook users, doing so would prevent them from adding me. I want people to still be able to add me, I just don’t want them seeing that I like Clueless until they’ve done so. Not to mention that they’d be able to see that I like Clueless by logging out.

So there!

Well, suit yourself, then.

I don’t understand why my two over-18 sons block almost everything on their pages from me. What are they doing that they don’t want me to know about? Do they worship Satan, dress as women, have group sex with dogs and cats… what?? It makes me anxious.

Because if it’s available for you to comment on, you just might.

Chances are whatever conversations they’re having on Facebook are conversations with friends. If I’m having a [del]argument[/del] [del]debate[/del] discussion about which pokemans are best with my friends I certainly don’t want mommy hopping in with “FUCK YEAH SEAKING!”

Oh, yeah, those same old, “Stop, mom, you’re embarrassing me! You’re weird! You’re a creeper! Stop hitting on my friends!” problems… :stuck_out_tongue: I almost forgot about that.

They still might be having group sex with dogs and cats though.

Your posts reminded me of this section of Lamebook

Which of these do you have a problem with? Would you be happier of the sex was monogamous? :smiley:

That site’s funny. I’ll have to save, “I used to kiss that butt when you were a baby” for when they’re older and more mature and have decided to trust me to post on their walls. :smiley:


Amanda - 2 hours ago
Getting the tattoos any min

Amanda - 36 minutes ago
[Picture of names and dates tattooed on a pair of wrists - presumably her children]
I’m crying I got rylan’s bday wrong :frowning:

(Yes, the poor bastard’s name is Rylan.)

Nick G - July 11
The number one thing I have learned on x box live is, a lot of 12 year olds has slept with my mom.

Sally G - July 12
k…thats not true…stop posting this kind of stuff…

There’s also http://failbook.failblog.org/

Good advice, that is. My rule of thumb is never post anything I wouldn’t say to my grandmother. This has stopped my mouth on more than one occasion.

The more you know

I’m irked at Facebook because they keep changing how security features are set.

I set up a “Mobile Uploads” photo album, where any pictures I send to a pre-set address from my cell phone go. I then set the security on the whole album to “Private”. That way, I can review the pictures when I get home, sorting them into other albums, or deleting them altogether.

Now, system albums like Mobile Uploads, Profile Pictures, and Wall Pictures don’t have the option to set the whole album as private. I can set the individual pictures as private, but only after they’ve been uploaded.

(Another nit: whenever I text to that Mobile Upload address, it changes my status statement. But more often than not, it mangles my message by hiccuping or stuttering words, or only posting half my sentence.)

I noticed the other day that for about a week only one person was seeing any of my status updates. My comments could be viewed as usual (friends only) but every single update only showed for my brother. All I can figure is some bad magic switch was flipped last time I posted something on his wall.

By the way, here’s some wisdom for free:
I have learned that if you have something you don’t want the world to know about, do not post it on Facebook.

Why are you cursing at me? You don’t know the first thing about me. I don’t like my private conversations with my friends public and I find employers being able to snoop around about me creepy even if there is nothing to find. A good portion of what I update facebook about is videogames or books, but it’s nobody’s business but who I choose to be able to see it.

FACEBOOK is the one who screwed up, not me. Nothing there is anything to be ashamed of, but when I wrote the entries, they were NOT PUBLIC.

This was HUGE deal my mom wouldn’t STFU about for months, that I don’t let her post on my wall or see my posts. I didn’t even want to add her due to EXACTLY the privacy concerns that ended up HAPPENING, but she whined about it like a freaking child until I added her.

I’m over 18, and I use facebook as a way to talk to my friends. Do you wonder what your son talks about with his friends over the phone that they don’t want you to know about? Probably nothing that would interest you, or stuff that would but is none of your business.

Just a note - there is a setting that allows you to specifically retro-block older posts. Selectively from certain people, or just make them completely private. Snoop around, and lay off the goats, they get nervous and that ruins the milk.

You don’t say.