Fucking Halloween. If it only were about candy. Or Satan. But no, it is all about woo-woos, creduloids, New Agers, and all the true believers in supernatural horseshit. This is the time of year when TV runs all the drivel presented as scientific investigation of haunted sites. This is the time of year when discussion boards are overrun by doofuses talking about “psi” and “energies” and all the other non-existant crap this crowd just loves to wallow in. Crimoney, what a sad, insecure sack of shit you have to be to cling to belief in such nonsense. The part I don’t understand is why they bother drawing a line anywhere. If you believe in shit like psi, why not go ahead and believe in the Tooth Fairy, homeopathy, vampires, Advanced Aluminum Supersonic Nazi hell Creatures, too? I can’t wait until November 1 when all woo-woos go back to making sure their energy centers are aligned or whatever the hell it is they do the rest of the year. I think, to make myslef feel better, I’ll flog (Singapore-style) the next creduloid that quotes form Hamlet to me. Whether there are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in my philosophy or not, Shakespeare was an Elizabethan playwright, not an expert on scientific investigation of unexplained phenomena.
Never met a woo-woo personally. In fact, the only “Woo Woo” I know is in the chorus for the Stones’ Sympathy for the Devil, which, IMHO, is the perfect song to bring out for Halloween.
You’re an asshole.
It’s really inexcusable that cable channels like The History Channel, Discovery, and The Learning Channel trot out uncritical “documentaries” about this kind of nonsense. Yes, I know that TV is all about “entertainment,” but a well-done debunking can be just as entertaining as an evidence-impaired speculation show.
Nova doesn’t do enough of this. A few years ago, they did a wonderful show about Erich von Daniken, the Chariots of the Gods? guy - took him apart like Tinker Toys, revealing him to be the fraud he is.
It is, indeed, puzzling how the woo-woos decide which particular bits of nonsense to believe, and which to reject. “Of course, I don’t believe in silly things like alien abductions, but I know several people who have seen ghosts, so I’m sure they’re real.” It never seems to dawn on them that the things they dismiss are supported by exactly the same kind of non-evidence as the things they passionately embrace. I find that inexplicable.
One day me code purdy
Oh c’mon. You’ve never seen Daffy do that jumpin around dance he does when Bugs Bunny drives him crazy? :dubious:
Careful now, you’re spreading negativity or bad vibes or unbalancing your energy centers or whatever the fuck it is.
I don’t know what makes one religion more respectable than another, but I don’t believe that the “woo-woos” have any “sillier” beliefs than a Christian or Buddhist or Muslim or whatever does. Why is believing that a special rock will cure your headache less credible than believing that the son of God came to the natural sphere via a miraculous pregnancy? Whatever gets you through the day.
I’m not presuming that you take stock in these beliefs, but you hardly ever see a post lambasting Christmas or Easter in this way. Or maybe I’m not attentive enough.
Nor do I. I think it may be the only thing that communism was right about.
Scumpup? Apropos moniker indeed. All you need do is turn the channel, my friend. Or maybe, just get your scummy self up and out of the house, and away from the discussion boards, until these ‘creduloids’ go away. :rolleyes: You, are a schmuck.
But WHY? I don’t follow any particular religion myself, but as long as a person minds their own business I have absolutely no problem with them believing anything they feel like. Especially if those beliefs help them to be a productive member of society. And if those beliefs are interesting at all, because god wouldn’t it be boring if we all believed in a purely scientific experience.
There’s a distinction to be drawn here between the specific and the general - not easy to explain, but I’ll try. If my friend Bob is, say, a Hindu, that’s no problem for me. As long as he’s not trying to drag me into his temple, or insisting that I make offerings to Vishnu, his beliefs don’t bother me in the least. I reserve the right to roll me eyes (to myself) whenever he tells me about what he believes, but I don’t really feel the need to beat him about the head and shoulders over it.
In the more general case, however, I believe that widespread religious belief has been a severe hindrance in the human search for knowledge. Vast numbers of people are convinced, on the flimsiest of evidence, that they know why the universe is the way it is. They stop looking for answers. In many instances, they violently suppress those people who are still looking for answers. They accept perfectly appalling conditions, because it’s “god’s will,” instead of trying to fix things. (Others - please don’t trot out examples of religious people doing good things. I’m speaking in broad generalities, here, so small counter-examples don’t mean much.)
There’s another reason, however, why I suppose I’m willing to give most religions a “pass,” unlike my reaction to the “paranormal” nonsense. Religion, at least, tries to provide some explanation for phenomena for which science still hasn’t provided a good explanation. Granted, religion is slow to give up those explanations when science delivers the goods, but at least they’re dealing with real, live phenomena: life exists, so how did it get here? Nobody can say that life doesn’t exist, so it really is something that needs explaining.
The woo-woos, on the other hand, usually can’t even point to an unexplained phenomenon. If large numbers of people were successfully performing remote viewing, for example, that would be a phenomenon that was worth investigating. In fact, however, no one has ever been shown to be able to carry out remote viewing at a level that can’t be explained by “lucky guessing.” Some guy dowses for water, they drill a well, and up comes the water. Pretty remarkable, eh? Only until you realize that someone else, drilling for water without going through the dowsing ritual, has the same success rate. This is what puts the woo-woos into a category all their own.
What can I say-some people fight ignorance, while others ignore and/or tolerate it.
So if a person claimed that God AND and a mastectomy got rid of their breast cancer, as opposed to just a mastectomy, would you call them a woo-woo? IOW, its not so much the religion but the person’s illogical supernatural conclusions that makes a woo-woo? Because I totally agree with you there.
Yikes, I thought for a moment you were being harrassed by Ronnie Woo Woo. That would definitely merit a pitting.
(Can you believe Ronnie Woo Woo has an official website?)
Well, I’d probably stop at “confused,” accompanied by the invisible eye-roll. Even in this case, of course, she’s not trying to explain a non-existent phenomenon. Her breast cancer really did go away. She’s just confused about the reason it went away. The true woo-woo would claim that supernatural forces had cured him of bad energy fields - in other words, no demonstrable cure took place.
That was weak. You’d have been better served to light some scented candles and concentrate on the color lavender as a way to counter me than that lame-ass attempt at mockery based on my username.
This whole thread is impacting my self-actualizing anima with negative toxicity. It is creating a disease process. I will need centering holistic healing before I can achieve wellness.
Having not come across the terms “woo woo” and “creduloid” before, thought I’d just say they are cool, and quite apt.
Halloween doesn’t mean anything all that special, though. They do their thing all year round.