I Pit Hypocritical Fundamentalist GOPers

Well then I pit my dog for not being a parakeet.

Makes just as much sense as pitting a conservative Christian for not being a liberal.

And while we’re on the subject (again, or rather, still) what’s with all these idiotic indictments against him? zOMG! He’s not pro SSM!!?!! Guess what? That’s fine! 99% of the dope disagrees with him, and i guarantee 99% of his friends disagree with the dope. Just because he has different beliefs that does not mean he’s wrong. The man has beliefs and values and a spine and he puts his money where his mouth is. I respect his conviction regardless of his politics.

In Florida, Publix grocery has fried chicken that is way crispier and tastier. At home in Valparaiso, Indiana --Strack’s grocery stores has good fried chicken. I don’t know who makes the better sandwich because I did not order the sandwich from CFA and I DESPISE pickles on my food.

What I thought while I was eating Chik Fil A was that their breading was bland and not crisp and that the famous waffle fries neeeded to fry for another half-minute. While I appreciated having Diet Dr. Pepper as a drink option- I had to stand in another line for sauce for nuggets that were as warm and tasty as nugggets that were nuked in a microwave recently. I also thought that I had wasted my food dollars and would have been better off purchasing a gyro for my lunch. That’s my 5 cents worth.

There is a store 20 minutes from me but a dozen restaurants on the same strip of US 30 are going to be a better value both food and cost wise. I don’t know what’s availaible where you are Suranyi, but I would start trying chicken at restaurants and grocery stores.

Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters sell tacky crap to the hipster crowd and are owned by a man who has given cash to Rick Santorum. These chainstores, like their competition Forever 21, have been known to steal intellectual property and make copies to sell in the stores. UO has infringed upon Navajo trademarks and sold a game called Ghettopoly. That’s why I posted that.

You might be better off shoping at Hot Topic for your band shirts and other hipster stuff.


It seems Richard Hayne, co-founder and current CEO made a contribution to Rick Santorum’s primary campaign.

I have to agree. I find it just as outrageous when it is a liberal being hypocritical about civil liberties as I do when it is a conservative. Actually, probably more outrageous when it is someone who claims to be a liberal.

Oh, for fucks sake, I’m sick of this bullshit. Dan Cathy actively works to make life worse for gay people. He supports organizations that fight to make it possible to fire gay people for being gay, to prevent them from renting homes or buying property, and to make homosexuality grounds for loss of custody of your children. And when we call him an asshole and say we don’t want to eat his shitty chicken because of it, no-dick wonders like yourself crawl out from every available rock to lecture us for being mean to him. Do us all a favor and go to the nearest Chik-Fil-A and cram your greasy gullet full of his disgusting hate-chicken until you can’t croak out any more of your pig ignorant defenses of this moral vacuum, you dribbling, shit-stained chancre.

Pretty obvious who the the wild eyed intolerant ones are based on this thread.

Im willing to hear any side that isnt flailing about and screaming.

Never been to a Chick Fil a in my life but am going tomorrow to check it out. Hope the crust is good.

While I think this is probably true, it’s also possible that closing on Sundays motivates certain people to spend more money there on the other 6 days. If someone drives past McDonald’s to go to Chick-Fil-A on a Tuesday because they know Chick-Fil-A is owned by the right kind of people, then that’s effectively a Sunday sale with no Sunday labor costs.

So in other words, you think that persecuting homosexuals is “tolerant”, while complaints about that persecution are “intolerant”. Tell me; if someone beats me up and puts me in the hospital, am I guilty of assault for beating my body against their knuckles until I fell unconscious?

Yes, because bitching in the forum specifically designed for it is somehow wrong. Then again, you guys are the ones who seem to think justice somehow means you have the right to say whatever you want and not face the consequences.

I cannot even begin to fathom your fucked up morality. Somehow bigotry is okay, but using your duly elected powers to fight bigotry is wrong. Homophobes are not a protected class. He doesn’t have the right to open a business wherever he wants–he has to apply for a permit like everyone else.

Bigots are people who want to hurt other people because they aren’t like them. They have no one to blame but themselves when people decide to fight back. Stop pretending it’s wrong to be bigoted towards bigots. It’s like saying it’s wrong to be bigoted towards murderers.

Bigotry is wrong. So’s discrimination in the issuance of business licenses based on speech and legal activities.

Look, if you want to applaud these mayors, that’s fine with me. Personally, I haven’t been in a ChikFilA or purchased any of their items since I learned about Cathy’s homophobic boosterism. But please don’t ever whine about legalities or fairness when some conservative town locks out Ben & Jerry’s or other progressive businesses because of the ideologies of the owners or operators. Don’t bitch when communities practice ‘small “d” democracy’ to deny shops and offices to persons with the ‘wrong’ cultural background.

Bigots are temporary creatures. When someone acts in a bigoted way, when their attitudes are driven by bigotry, then they’re behaving as bigots. But nobody is born a bigot. Nobody steps into a bigot press at some point in their life and emerges with a tamper proof lock on them, sealed into their bigotry.

Pushing back against bigoted actions, denouncing organizations constructed around bigotry, standing up for victims of that bigotry, all of these are right and proper things. But being “bigoted towards bigots” is just fighting tribalism with more tribalism. You want to get rid of bigotry? Make bigoted beliefs unpopular. Exposure of ideas, diversity of opinions and people and humor help do that. Shunning and exclusion just create more enmity and alienation.
Finger wagging lecture over.

Shouldn’t be too alien, it’s an argument referred to (and in my opinion, not refuted) by vonMises here. I see two fundamental flaws in his identification of the errors of the argument for economic democracy. The first is his conflation of democracy with representative democracy, that democracy is useful so far as it ensures the rulers will at least adopt the pretence of acting in the people’s interests in order to quell rebellion. That’s not direct democracy, where a majority or supermajority of the citizens’ interests are represented in legislation. The second is that with unequal distribution of wealth, a single penny representing one vote in the marketplace means that voting is plutocratic: distributed according to the wealth of the individual voting. This wouldn’t be such an issue if wealth were an adequate track of worth to society. I do not really need to support my assertion that there are far too many exceptions to a meritocratic view of wealth, even when one disregards the labour theory of value.

Which would you rather have: someone insult you based on your political positions on your message board, or someone vote against your right to marriage?

You know who else had conviction in his position!?

That’s right, Arthasiddi.


Well, the advocates of the right of businesses to run their enterprise as they see fit were opposed to the Civil Rights Act. There were democratic sitins and strikes and dissent of all stripes (some documented by Howard Zinn) which contributed to the paradigm shift from that position.

Well, you may win by default here, as I have no intention of wading through von Mises ever again. However, that he referred to an argument doesn’t necessarily mean anyone else ever seriously presented that argument in the history of political theorizing.

And we fought that battle through the 50’s and 60’s. Those advocates for business lost their rights to discriminate in their business practices, but not their rights to speak or to contribute money to particular legal causes. They didn’t lose their rights to operate their businesses. -Honestly, having trouble here understanding the point you’re trying to make.

I hates Mises to pieces…

Y’know, the really sad thing about me is I felt compelled to find recorded pronunciations (by native German speakers) of “Ludwig von Mises” just to see if your awful wordplay rhymed properly.
Curse you, ‘luc’!! <shakes fist in futile rage>

That would make two of us.

When was Apple anti-gay?

I’m just arguing against the “tyranny of the majority” notion that’s suppressed democratic movements.

Menino has already conceded that his office has no power to block permits for a lawfully-run business simply because of the owner’s beliefs. So Menino’s letter amounts to nothing more than his own speech, and he’s certainly entitled to express his opinion.

That leaves Rahm and the alderman, and it hardly needs to be said, but you don’t use your political office to hinder and harass those whose views you disagree with. It’s despotic and un-American. And every liberal commentator I’ve read online has said much the same thing.

As for mewling Republicans…of course they’re being hypocrites. They proven time and again that they have no problem using government to hinder the lives of people they don’t like. They really only have themselves to blame for the fact that the left has gotten organized and uncompromising with them on these social issues.

That was worth saving. I LOLd at “disgusting hate-chicken.”

Some of my more idiotic Facebook friends have been reposting the “FREE SPEECH, BAY-BE!” photo memes. I feel like asking them when they’re going to post a photo meme of the Klan marching, or skinheads with swastikas, but they just wouldn’t get it…

On a factual question, are there any major fast-food restaurants or even adult-food franchises where the corporation or the CEO has come out and said “Hell yes, we support LGBT rights!” And by “major”, I don’t mean small-time like hamburger Mary’s (which is a lovely place)?

As usual, The Onion got there first.

That just means you’re too fucking stupid to understand the intellectual merits of each side.

Either that or you’re using the politeness bullshit as an excuse to support the oppressive side, in which case it wouldn’t matter how polite the angry gays are, you’d just find another reason to not support them.