I Pit Hypocritical Fundamentalist GOPers

The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has a gratifyingly long list of corporate partners who they say “have exhibited extraordinary support of the LGBT business community.” Also, the aforementioned Ben & Jerry’s are activists for social justice, although they don’t seem to have made special statements concerning gender or sexual identity issues. J C Penny has had the recent silliness from the “million moms” and has stood by Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson.

ETA: Burger King is listed on the NGLCC partner list, so there’s at least one fast food franchise that’s at least considered supportive by NGLCC.

Nothing wrong with Menino’s letter, but in one of his public comments, he’d said how hard Chick-Fil-A would find it to come here. Glad to hear he walked it back.

Rahm has apparently adopted a similar position. I also saw a debate the alderman had with a CNN panel, and it seemed to me that his position is more nuanced than it originally sounded; for months, he’s apparently been working with Chick-Fil-A, but wants to make sure civil protections are in place.


In complete seriousness, every time I feel like Chik-Fil-A, I’ll go by Burger King. I like their little onion rings…hmm…if I wasn’t about to head out for pizza and wine in the sun, I’d go see the King.

This Wednesday, I will make sure to buy an extra chicken sandwich in your honor and eat it.

And on Wednesday, I will neutralize your values by:
*patronizing Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Starbucks
*reading a book
*refrigerating my food
*bathing, and
*making sure not to mass-sacrifice children to the goat god.

Do you know something we don’t? :dubious:

Homophobes are subhuman savages who communicate through grunts and setting things on fire. They have chosen not to be part of modern civilization. If you didn’t know that before, consider yourself informed.

I have an iPad 2, I use Google Chrome (in fact I’m using it now), I own a 360 (albeit it died :(), I love Starbucks, I read every now and then, I make sure to keep my refrigerator (semi-) well stocked and I try to take a bath at least every two or three days. But if you want to do the last well… Have fun with that.

As has been said in other threads, it’s perfectly cromulent for individuals to refuse to patronize CFA because of its statements by the CEO. It’s absolutely wrong, and unconstitutional for agents of the state to deny business licenses on the basis of a political belief.

And yet, despite these handicaps, some of them manage to operate multi-million dollar businesses. Like Chick-fil-A. :rolleyes: Talk like this doesn’t do anyone any favors, including our side.

Thanks for the concern trolling over the feelings of primitives!

It’s got nothing to do with their feelings, dipshit. You are making our position look bad.

I don’t care what some sisterfucking savage thinks of me. They don’t have minds to change, and they are already in a war whether you want one or not. I’m going to fight back instead of handing them flowers.

I’ll be honest I’m never going to patronize or not patronize a business based on their politics, I buy based on products. I’m not a big fast food fan, and when I go for fast food it’s usually for a greasy fast food burger so I’m not really Chick-fil-A’s target market in any case…but if I ate at fast food places a lot I’d go or not go to Chick-fil-A based on their product.

I get it, free country and all that shit, you can not eat wherever you want to not eat. But I do think once you go down the rabbit hole of only patronizing businesses that do things politically that you like things get pretty ridiculous. I don’t think there is any moral issue with patronizing a business whose ownership do things you’re opposed to…I think it’s fine to not patronize them, but if I go to a restaurant that funds reprehensible and injurious causes like Barack Obama’s re-eleciton campaign or MoveOn.org, I don’t care. The fact is I’m making a decision to buy a product or service, and in a free society I don’t think I want to divide my country into “people I will do business with and / or associate with” and “people I won’t” based on their political activities. Once my money becomes their money I don’t think it’s my business what they do with it.

I think organizations like MoveOn.org are abominations, but I don’t think we should try and segregate our society along political lines. It’s a healthy and good thing when you can still associate with and do business with people whose political positions are anathema to your own…in a civil society we’re supposed to at least attempt to resolve political issues in the political forum and still live in the same society and be civil to each other in the non-political arena.

You’re a blithering idiot who starts crying and calling people names because they do things you don’t like, then calls everyone here a troll that responds to you at all. You’re a fuckstick and I hope people abstain from engaging with you in this thread because your contributions are akin to a retarded kid grunting and screaming in the middle of a discussion between mentally competent adults.

Yeah yeah, you don’t like gays, we get it. Go burn a cross or something.

Shouldn’t you be looking up child porn? Everyone knows anyone that is gay or tolerates gays constantly rapes children and / or dreams or raping children.

Or maybe you should try and spread some more HIV around, as I’m sure you have that as well.

That doesn’t include mimes and lawyers, right? I mean, we can still just walk up and kick them in the nuts, right?

The face of the Chick Fil A patron.

The face of a guy who periodically ends up in the ER to have gerbils and coke cans removed from his ass.