Neely was largely responsible for an $823,000 Las Vegas conference in 2010 that was the focus of [Inspector General Brian] Miller’s report. Can’t even tell Congress his what his GSA title is without taking the Fifth! :rolleyes:
You would too if your official job title was Monster Party Planning Dude, apparently. :smack:
Sorry. I don’t get why everyone is so upset. I’m sorry, but that amount of money is a drop in the bucket. Show me a pattern of behavior like this, and I’ll care a lot more. I mean, come on, that party cost us taxpayers $0.003 per person. Wah!
Blowing nearly a million dollars on a huge bash is A-OK if you only do it once?
When I worked for a state university, I would have gotten in trouble if I tried to get compensated for an alcoholic beverage or didn’t have original receipts for everything, because I would have been misusing taxpayer money. I’m sure you or anyone else wouldn’t have given a shit over a $5 beer at a conference, but my bosses would have, and rightly so.
The GSA bosses failed miserably here.
This is also a big deal because President Obama made such an example of Vegas trips as an irresponsible thing for businesses to overindulge in:
This is bogus reasoning. It’s like a guy who has no money left over at the end of the month, and he can’t understand why; after all, his daily latte only costs him $4, that’s a drop in the bucket right? And his cell phone contract is only $100/month, and his health club membership is only $200, and he has lunch out every day, but that’s only $10, and he pays for parking every day, but that’s only $12, and he likes a drink after work, but that’s only $15, and he goes out on the weekends, but that’s only a couple hundred.
So where does his money go? Why is he always broke? He’s not really spending anything, it’s just a drop in the bucket. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop.
What? He spent $1320 a month on non-essentials?
Couldn’t they raise their own money for that by selling cookies?
Second paragraph of the article linked in the OP:
It took a whole 5 posts before someone tried to tie it to Obama.
Somebody’s slipping.
I don’t think he was trying to* tie* it to Obama. He was just saying that it is all the more egregious, given our President’s stated feelings on the subject.
This fella needs to be taken out to the woodshed…
You realize the GSA is part of the executive branch, right?
Fuck the SDMB gerbils. Just fuck them. I had a whole thing that was posted after Czarcasm’s true to form dumb ass oversensitive comment, and the board fucking dropped the whole post. I swear I am going to go to the pound next Tuesday, pick up a stray cat, not feed it for a week, drive up to Chicago, and then drop that cat in whatever the SDMB calls an IT department. I want to see gerbil guts everywhere.
So I will make this brief. Here’s the damn link. It’s Jon Stewart’s take on the GSA-holes. Vegas! How did the GSA blow it in Vegas on clowns and bicycles? They’re in Vegas! If you are going to be corrupt, at least double down. “BICYCLE” better be a government acronym for “Japanese fuck swings” because otherwise Obama’s* Secret Service needs to come up there and tell them where to find the hookers and blow.
*I like Obama, I just threw that in there to fuck with Czarcasm
When I read that, it reminded me of Quark’s brother Rom on Deep Space 9. In one episode he was shielding his brother (IIRC) and when Odo was trying to interrogate him, it took hours for him to admit that his name was Rom.
OTOH, it’s likely that his lawyer told him to take the 5th on everything.
When it comes to defending the Perfect One, Czarcasm doesn’t know nothing.
The problem is that it’s not Neely’s money. If he’d wanted to throw this huge party with his own cash, that would be one thing. But that’s over $800,000 that could have done some actual good somewhere. If nothing else, it could have been applied to the deficit.
This scandal reminded me of an incident in my town. The Board of Ed spent $5000 on a painted portrait of the school superintendent. Taxpayers got very upset, and the Board’s reaction was that it was just a “drop in the bucket” of the very large county education budget, which was true. However, $5000 could have paid for more library books, educational software, gym equipment, or a field trip instead. That’s off the top of my head. Teachers and principals might have better ideas, but some picture that hangs in the Board of Ed offices (where no students can see it) can’t possibly help them very much.
If it was part of the superintendent’s compensation package, I bet he/she would rather have it in cash.
The General Services Administration is entrusted with billions of dollars of taxpayer’s money each year. They are responsible for seeing that the money is spent in the best interests of the American People, and in accordance with the Federal Acquisiton Regulations (FAR). If they are not clear on what is and is not allowable for reimbursement with Federal dollars, then who is? If they are missappropriating funds, then who is minding the store?
I have had the experience of trying to force Program Managers both private and Government, to follow FAR requirements when a GSA Contracting Officer is clearly giving them the old nudge/wink to spend inappropriately. It is not fun. But if the GAO (Government Accounting Office) comes in to audit, they won’t give a flying farina who said “OK, go ahead” They will just yank back the funds and good luck getting a refund from the Las Vegas Convention Center (or, Og forbid, some of the organizations that run Vegas hotels!)
TL: DR It’s the job of the GSA to make certain that the funds with which they are entrusted are spent properly by the commercial businesses to whom they then contract the work. They are supposed to be the police!!
This is not a tu quoque. I’m not looking to blame Bush or shift the blame away from Obama (as if it’s his fault anyway). I’m not even trying to say that $800,000 isn’t a huge waste of money. It is. It’s ridiculous that money was blown in that fashion and I do hope there they continue to have a thorough investigation on the matter.
But can we put it in perspective? 6.6 BILLION dollars went missing. Fell off the goddamned back of a truck. Probably went to fund the very terrorists we’re waging war against. Did the lone guard look the other way for a second? Did it get dropped from a blimp? Did they burn it to sate the God of Jupiter’s bloodlust? What the fuck?
It’s money that could have funded my local school district for literally another century and it fucking vanished like a fart in the wind. How in the hell is this not making as much news as a stupid party in Vegas?
Don’t bother. I already know the answer.
This boondoggle is the tip of the iceberg, folks. It’s the symptom of the deeper disease that infests the GSA, which is corruption and kickbacks. How has this come to pass? Well, a big part of it is because of the big push in the Bush years to outsource government services. This was done to supposedly save money (it doesn’t) and improve efficiency (it doesn’t).
What it resulted in was the hiring of campaign contributors and friends of politicians to manage an agency that controls billions of dollars, who in turn awarded lucrative management contracts to their friends, violating multiple contracting provisions in the process because they didn’t believe the rules applied to them. At least two very high-ranking GSA officials have had to resign over this, and one just quit (after awarding many of these), saying that he was going to go “make some real money”.
Additionally, many (probably ‘most’) management contracts were and are written with giant loopholes in them, allowing contractors for such mundane services such as janitorial and building maintenance to repeatedly rape the system, providing names of qualified employees in their proposals, but hiring cheap unqualified labor in the actuality. The result has been a steady deterioration of facilities that belong to the public, while the contractors make large profits.
My wife worked for GSA and quit in disgust after only five years. She was required to attend several of these supposed professional ‘workshops’ which were nothing more than meaningless boondoggles thinly disguised as team-building exercises in places like Reno and Las Vegas. Her bosses refused to modify contracts to prevent deceptive practices, which meant that companies were free to hire unskilled labor and unqualified staff, and to use inferior products. Outraged building tenants complained constantly about this, but how do you fire a company that is operating within the contract terms?
I worked for one of the contracted facilities maintenance companies noted above. Loopholes in the contract allowed them to hire me as their facilities manager, even though the position description called for a professional, degreed engineer. This allowed them to pay me $115K instead of $140K. My cohort, the operational manager was in the same situation. After two years, they laid both of us off and replace us with ONE person, hiring him on at about $80K. They were still able to bill for the full amount of the contract.
The abuses will probably never stop. GSA is huge and labyrinthine. The failure to responsibly manage your tax dollars continues pretty much unabated.
I don’t know that you can blame this solely on Bush - outsourcing grew under Clinton as well.
Yes, it is.
As previously noted, the GSA is supposed to be a watchdog agency, helping government agencies run more efficiently and minimizing costs. According to its own mission statement, the GSA: “Is fueled by two powerful sparks for change, namely sustainability and transparency. The former is a doctrine for managing resources with utmost care and an obsession with “no waste.” The latter is a doctrine for inviting our collective intelligence and wisdom to our work.”
According to Wikipedia, “GSA employs about 12,000 federal workers and has an annual operating budget of roughly $26.3 billion. GSA oversees $66 billion of procurement annually. It contributes to the management of about $500 billion in U.S. federal property”
So they’re responsible for lots more money than ever went missing in Iraq. If there are deeper problems in the agency, it’s worth paying attention to.