I pit Jon "War Machine" Koppenhaver

Sure, if some random plumber hung himself, I’m sure it wouldn’t get reported as widely as the death of “comedian Robin Williams” either. Obviously its the celebrity of the people involved that’s drawing media attention.

I’m just saying that mentioning she’s a porn-star is telling the audience why they’re reporting on the story, Its not some effort to shame her, as Cubsfan seemed to be saying. It’s standard in these types of stories. If she were some other form of minor celebrity, they’d put that infront of her name as well.

(or if you’d like a closer parallel, google ’ “musician Rihanna”+abuse’).

That’s my read on it as well. This is a violent delusional man on the run. I’m not wishing him dead but I hope that if he kills anyone before he’s caught it’s himself.

Nope, nope, nope.

Periodic unofficial get-back-togethers since the May (three months ago, not a year ago) breakup, most recently holding hands in public three weeks ago.

(God, I hate myself for using TMZ as a cite, but this was open news in the MMA fan community.) :smack:

Still, I cannot stress enough that this in no way justifies his alleged actions. He’s a psychopathic asshole. The blog he kept last time he was in prison was shocking in its unselfconscious, barely coherent, rage and antipathy for other human beings.

Well we’re kinda getting off on a tangent here but I don’t think it’s their “celebrity” status, it’s the nature of their jobs that is being used to get attention. Very few people will read “Porn star Christy Mack” and say “Oh right, THAT Christy Mack - she was in Naughty Tattooed Lesbian Nurse Orgy Volume 5”. Likewise for Koppenhaver; “Plumber Koppenhaver”, “Accountant Koppenhaver”, “Retired Engineer Koppenhaver” doesn’t interest people, but “Professional MMA Athlete Koppenhaver” or “Cage Fighter Koppenhaver” gets eyeballs. His profession will get people to read the article, but I will bet you that very few people, even after learning what he did for a living, will have any idea who he is - it’s not going to jog their memories so they say “Oh yeah, he was on season 4 of The Ultimate Fighter and he got cut from the UFC a few years ago.”

I guess my point is that this story would get just as much attention if the headline was “MMA Fighter Brutally Beats Porn Star Girlfriend”. No names needed, because to the vast majority of people those two names don’t mean anything anyhow, it’s those jobs that get noticed. If the headline was “Librarian Brutally Beats Mechanic Girlfriend” far fewer people would read the story.

Wow, someone doctored up his Wikipedia page and listed his next MMA fight as against Dog the Bounty Hunter, with the outcome listed as “probably by pepper spray”.

As amusing as Dog’s publicity stunt here is and as cathartic the idea of him pepper-spraying War Machine is, he doesn’t actually have any legal authority to track him, right? War Machine isn’t a bail jumper, so anything Dog did would be pure vigilantism, which I just don’t approve of.

Well, don’t just sit there; go out and stop him!

I’ve notified a mod, and asked that the thread title be changed to I pit War “Jon Koppenhaver” Machine.


A bounty hunter under the state laws I know has no more power to arrest than the average citizen. But they can make citizen arrests. There does not have to be a jumped bail. It’s just that is where the money is. In this case there has been a reward posted for his capture.

When it’s involving gladiatorial crap-fests like MMA, WWF, NFL, etc. I think you’re supposed to use a folding chair.

What we know for sure:
“War Machine” was arrested for assault several times before he got together with “Mack,” including an arrest related to attacking several porn performers, including a popular girl (accounts vary if it was his GF or not) and the #1 agent in porn (who was also his agent, at the time). He put at least 1 publicly identified veteran male performer in the hospital. That was in 2009, I believe. I think it would be impossible for anyone in the main performer pool of the adult industry to not know about that incident. Supposedly, the GF and a male friend he brought to the party either supported his self-defense account or refused to implicate him. So, 5 years ago he had a known track record of abusing and manipulating female porn performers.

After all that, this Christy Mack chick got together with him. Then, we know at least one time she publicly acknowledged he beat her up, and she reconciled with him. Now we know, to the surprise of no one, that he beat her up multiple times.

Now we have a he said/she said of 2 porn performers who are known to have a violent history.

She said:
She was sitting in her home with Corey Thomas, fully clothed playing checkers or something. War Machine broke down the door in a fit of rage, beat up Corey Thomas who ran way without a trace, forced her to shower, beat her up, tried to rape her and was preparing to kill her.

He/his family say:
He had a key to her home, since they were a couple. He was showing up early to surprise her (possibly propose). He opened the door to some crackhead in an Ed hardy shirt having sex with her. He lost his cool and beat the dude up. She pulled a knife and he turned on his “trained killer” whatever bullshit mode and defended himself against the knife attack.

The true story is probably somewhere in the middle, but obviously he’s at fault and responsible for brutally attacking 2 people. but i would not be surprised if they were on/off dating and he regularly came and went from her home, showed up and Corey Thomas was there, possibly as her client, and the dude lost it and beat them up as he is known to due.

im sure he will.women nowadays get more rights then men,so he will get screwed one way or another.not that i am defending him,but this will probably be another example of why people should put a stop to the feminism garbage in america today


Which rock did you climb out from under?

Judging by his recent post history (oo, some good old-fashioned racism in the mix too), a deep-buried one. Or under a bridge. Pick one.

He’s been arrested.

Once a scumbag, always a scumbag, so it seems.

As someone whose actions threaten and besmirch two entertainment media that I value, I can’t help but agree.


Naw, the folding chair is a cherished tradition of Pro Wrasslin’ they jealously guard from other encroachment.

You must admit, it takes a very special sort of person to besmirch the reputation of these forms of entertainment…

No kidding, right? And it’s not as if the two media are oil and water to each other: just off the top of my head Aaron Brink and Dakota Cochrane (the latter in gay porn, no less!) have managed to participate in both without embarrassing either.

Poor Dog the Bounty Hunter. The Feds got there first.