I Pit Magiver

Yes, I understand what you are saying. What I’m saying is there isn’t a huge audience on the Dope waiting to be convinced of something. They have their point of view and they stick to it. Is it really worth it to engage Magiver 1000 times on the off chance that one person may change their mind? I say once you have a sense that a posters views are consistently the direct opposite of yours , it’s better to simply not engage them in any way. It’s the teaching a pig to sing thing.

If you really absolutely must engage them, do it in Great Debates, where you can get some bullshit modded. Any other forum, where they can bloviate to their heart’s content, is a total waste of time. Very often they make one post in threads that had been interesting, and immediately the 'someone is wrong on the internet" brigade have to pile on comment after comment. Soon everyone who was enjoying the thread leaves and all that’s left is the same people saying the same repeatedly while talking past each other.

Props to @Novelty_Bobble for continuing to engage Magiver in the AstraZeneca approval thread in the QZ. Magiver is moving between disingenuous, obtuse, pigheaded, idiotic, and innumerate, and Novelty_Bubble is addressing each “point” admirably with much more patience than I could ever muster!

That’s very kind of you (and it isn’t only me doing that).

Past a certain point, as others have pointed out, it may be that you are never going to reach the person you are replying to. I think I reached that point with Magiver a while back but I’ve persisted not for their benefit but more for others who may be lurking.

They may read Magiver’s points and may have sympathy with them just through lack of exposure to other arguments.

I know I’ve lurked before in threads where my knowledge was lacking, where I maybe had a gut reaction but didn’t have the full facts and was swayed first by one side and then the other. Had one side given up too soon it is possible that I wouldn’t have had exposure to calm, rationale explanations. So where I can offer that myself I do.

Mind you, once all the arguments are laid out and you start repeating yourself it probably is time to leave it be and it feels like I’m probably at that point now.

Yeah, I think you’ve pounded your head against that particular brick wall enough. After he’s repeated
(several times!) the bullshit about other vaccines being available to administer in Europe, you know he’s either just totally clueless or just lying.

Well I was the latest rube who engaged him over in the Rand Paul and Fauci thread in P&E. He is now my second ignored person. It’s like talking to a rock.

As an aside, it seems this thread avoided the “name purge”. Sorry about reviving it but I had to get this off my chest and that’s what the Pit is for.

No worries. I’ve edited the title to bring it in line with the new rules.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

You always rock Miller! :+1:

Magiver is a liar

I don’t know, I think he’s so steeped in right-wing bullshit that he believes the bullshit he spews.

OK, I just read the back in forth in the Fauci/Rand Paul thread and I agree with you. All that selective quoting of Fauci and the other posters in that thread shows what a liar Magiver is.

So, add that to his list: lying obstinate idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Yeah I called him out on it, and his reply was to just do it again. So he’s on ignore. He’s a waste of forum server space.

Oh, good. I thought there might have be a Magiver Pit thread already…otherwise, I would’ve created one over his Fauci balloon juice, culminating in the “It’s not up for debate” business. I was about to go all King Kaiser on his ass:

“Who are you to tell me anything is up for debate or not, you hair-splitting, nit-picking Jimmy O’Keefe pest bastid!

He’s a fucking liar who does not understand how science works, and does not want to learn.

His lies are simply politically motivated bullshit, spewing from his sadly atrophied brain.

Have you heard that Dr. Fauci is a fucking liar who fucked up America’s pandemic response?

He fucked my goat, too. And I don’t even have a goat!

You know who else is a liar in that thread? Rand Paul. Hmmm.

Not just a liar but a fucking coward. It was pointed out to him multiple times that scientists commonly change their position as more information becomes available. This is a basic thing all people do, at least if they have half a brain cell. That is the only thing I can see Fauci being “guilty” of - adjusting his medical advice as the science evolves as more is learned. And yet @Magiver simply ignores this when it is pointed out multiple times in that thread because he’s a spineless coward.

@magiver, come on, motherfucker, if you’re gonna have the honor of being pitted, you need to show the fuck up.

Great, so he can shit all over this thread, too?

He’s a chickenshit coward. IF he shows up he will ignore any posts showing he is wrong. Or is a chickenshit coward.

And a liar.