I can’t blame this on anyone. There is no solution. And I doubt I’ll get much sympathy. Still, I reserve the right to be pissy and vent my spleen.
My commute sucks ass. I hate hate hate it. Fucking useless commute. Stupid commute eats stupid food for breakfast.
I have 3 options, which I will call the D option, the E-B option, and the C-A-B option.
Because the first two suck so very much, the C-A-B option is the one I’ve been taking. Convenient, but expensive. It was never really affordable before, but now taxi fares have gone up, and this option threatens to cost me around 25% of my take-home pay. I make a good living but live in squalor. It’s hardly an option anymore.
The D option is my second choice. It’s a walk, then a trolley ride, then another walk. About 25-30 minutes of walking altogether. Now, I wouldn’t mind that so much if it was a pleasant walk along a babbling brook where butterflies soar and lolipops spring from the grass like dandilions. But no. Hell no. Fuck no. I have to walk on uneven sidewalks where the streetlights have long burned out and conditions are often dangerously icy. Last winter I fell and fucked up my knee for a good two weeks. And I have to cross some of the most dangerous streets I’ve ever seen. At one point I have to run across a 6-lane highway where drivers think they are the bastard sons of Dale Earnhart and ‘Mad’ Max Rockatansky. Seriously, I take my life into my hands just by crossing the street. Five times. Each way. Uphill. (“And we liked it!”)
In the summer there’s light and dry sidewalks, but there’s also baseball. To get on the trolley I have to contend with drunken Sox fans with smelly butts. (I know this because to even get on the train, my face usually ends up in some guy’s butt. They are that crowded.) And often I have to wait for three or four trains to pass by before I see one empty enough that I can wedge my way in with the aid of the jaws of life.
My average travel time by this route is 50 minutes.
The E-B option is special, in the Special Ed sense of the word. I have to cross yet another crazily dangerous road to get to a trolley. This, I take a couple of miles away my destination, so that I can transfer to yet another trolley. I’ve timed this one and figured that for most of its route, it’s slower than walking. And very crowded. Often, 3 stops before my own, the driver announces that it’s going express past my stop, so I have to get off and wait for another. But it does have the benefit of being almost door-to-door service. When the driver actually stops there. Sometimes they’ll simply bypass my stop. The next one is well over half a mile from my home.
Total travel time? Usually 75-90 minutes.
Do I have any other options? Sure, there is the shuttle service provided by the hospital where I work. They go everywhere. They hit all points of the city. Except one. Go ahead, take a guess.
And now for the punchline:
I only live three miles from where I work!