I pit Novelty Bobble

I’ve enjoyed his posts on sport in the past, especially cricket.

I just put him on permanent ignore. I only have 3 people on this last at the moment; him, Magiver, and ZosterSandstorm. It takes a lot for me to put someone on that list. The breaking point for me was someone quoting him as being proud of being a troll; essentially, he has made a career out of intentionally pestering “smart people” and saying things to get under their skin. Being contrary for the sake of it. Apparently, nothing he’s posting is sincere, it’s a performance. That was enough for me to say “fuck this shit” and put him on the “you no longer exist” list.

It’s basically an admission to being a paid troll. I’d love to know who signs those paychecks.

That is a pretty good characterization of what is going on in the Clarkson thread. His BS comment that only IRL people he knows in person have meaning or value (I’m only slightly mischaracterizing) also points to epic trollitude.

Since I’m not a cricket fan, I guess it’s likely the ignore will become perpetual.

Why do you assume he’s telling the truth about that?

Fuck, good point.

I think he fantasizes about doing so, but knows that he would be fired if he actually did.

So, instead he comes here and lets loose with all the stuff they don’t want to hear at work.

I have had them on permanent ignore for… IDK how long. Months at least. I haven’t found a single worthwhile conversation that needed their posts to make it comprensible. Quite the opposite, really. Having the racists on ignore makes for a much smoother experience.

Yeah, except now I hear all the defence of the bastard who crapped in Azeem Rafiq’s garden in Novelty’s voice.

“Maybe it wasn’t racially motivated. Maybe someone was just caught short on the way home from the pub.”

NB has now been kicked out of the “Anti-wokism” thread for making yet another thread the NB show. He really knows how to kill a thread.

Over and fuckin over, it’s:

  1. NB says something dumb.
  2. He gets called on it.
  3. “I didn’t say exactly that dumb thing, and you can’t prove that I did.” he insists.
  4. He gets called on it.
  5. “I think you’ll find that I said something infinitesimally different, and I’ll prove it by quoting myself saying basically what you thought I said.”
  6. He gets called on it.
  7. GOTO 3

Agreed! How can we agree, disagree, or even discuss the alleged conduct in any logical manner?


I guess you missed my clarification/explanation a couple of posts later.

  1. Get into a lather
  2. Rinse
  3. Repeat

Yep! Sorry!

See, I have NB on ignore so I don’t even get to step 1 in your list. :grin:

Since 1/27/2023 when I asked if there would be anything I would missed if I made my ignore perpetual, I must say that it has short circuited 50% of the fury-fodder in various threads. So, technically, I am missing something that isn’t there, but I don’t mind at all.

Side note to @Left_Hand_of_Dorkness - your program is accurate and organized, but my residual memories of learning to program in BASIC on a TI/99-4a demands that all your steps be in factor of 10 dammit! You might need to code in a (4.5) or (45) step where someone white-knights or pops in a technicality on behalf of NB after all.

I used to write in BASIC in junior high/high school (and PASCAL later), and I used to do steps by a factor of 10. But then if I added another step I’d renumber everything because my OCD wouldn’t let it be so messy.

That’s one reason of many that I abandoned being a programmer while I was in college. That is not healthy for me.

Me too !
(…but then i worked in programming !)

I endorse this.

Also GoTo is close to being the root of all evil