I pit Ron DiCianni and the Christian Bookstore at Harford Mall

Ron DiCianni should turn in his painting supplies immediately.

Those were awful.


Don’t forget a Boy Scout saluting the flag, while a soldier stands beside him with his hand on the scout’s shoulder, and a teacher leaning over a child at her desk with an apple perched on the corner.

Cute trick, that. Where you decide what people think. Blow it out yer ass, li’l shooter.

Well, if you’ve been paying any attention, then you know how full of shit you are.

Hey, hope springs eternal and all.

Wow. Again with knowing all about others. However do you do that? You big hunka carbon, you.

As, for that matter, is your right to come in here and whinge endlessly about people who disagree with you. Welcome to the real world, Bunky. You can pick up your goodie bag at the table near the door.

Well, I once again have accomplished something. I made this pissy little piece of shit laugh. Caloo! Calay! And if you’re really so into GQ & GD, why have I not seen you in the latter? C’mon, pussy. Pony up your scratch and become something other than a “Guest”. Or are you a fucking coward?

Hey! I have never had a bon bon pass my lips even once! And I’m not fat, goddamnit! I’m big boned!

Thanks for your permission, Ace. Otherwise I woulda just sat there with my anger eating away at me. You’re too kind.

No, a picture of someone taking a shit on Jesus would be pretentious twaddle. This is sentimental twaddle. There’s a rather large difference between the two, although it’s arguable which one is more obnxious (my money’s on prentious, actually). It’s not a bad picture because it portrays Bush; I’m not even knowledgeable enough about art to say why it’s a bad picture, but I can say why it doesn’t appeal to me, and part of that is because hyper-patriotic, sentimental, Thomas-Kinkade style art really isn’t my thing.

I also genuinely don’t like President Bush, and I regard him as a bad president. I find the notion of him praying for peace the way the painting shows him to be a bit hypocritical given the current situation in Iraq. Lest you call me unpatriotic or un-Christian, let me assure you that I am a proud, patriotic American, and a registered voter who will be casting her ballot this November. As for my faith in Christ, I’ll measure it against that of the hardest core Fundamentalist you can find, even if it is of a more liberal variety. Finally, when it comes to toughness, believe me, not only am I not a wimp, I don’t associate with them, although I do consider it my Christian obligation to protect those who haven’t had to be as tough as I am.

People are going to disagree with you. Get over it. People don’t like the president, including me. Get over it. People think Jackson Pollock and his imitators are wonderful art; people think this is wonderful art. Get over it. (Me, I’ll take a nice Monet, or a good Salvador Dali.) As for the folks around here, I’m told there are other message boards; you might want to try them.


Actually, I spend most of my time reading those forums. I don’t see the need to post very often when so many questions I may have are already listed. And to post something that is already posted in a thread is akin to many of the attention whores on here, of which I am not. But I have posted in GQ. I don’t post in GD because so many of those posts are hardly what I would qualify as “great” and those that I would have considered posting to would only echo things already said. A pointless endeavor wouldn’t you say?

I read the BBQ pit just for laughs. It is quite amusing and given my sick sense of humor I find it entertaining. After many years of reading this board I decided to try a guest account. I can’t see myself paying though because it just isn’t worth it. I also don’t much see the point in “guest accounts” that have no access other then to post. But hey, brother, it’s your board. It’s the search feature that is the most useful and a guest can’t do that. After my account expires I may change my mind and decide to pay but if not, I know a couple of people on here that did pay and if I really need a question posted in GQ then I will simply ask them to post it for me. That would be the only reason I could see to pay to use this site, GQ and the search feature.

It’s amazing the hate that’s spewed forth from both the left & right here and elsewhere. Mainly the left because of the slant on this board, but that’s cool because there are plenty of sites around that are slanted heavily right that spew the same BS. What’s even more amazing is that a lot of left & right drones only hate things that come from the other side but would embrace the same ideas had their side brought it up first. Now that’s entertainment! It’s also very, very funny to see the things some of these piss ants get so worked up over. Thank you so much though because laughter is the best medicine and the BBQ Pit keeps me healthy!!

Variety is the spice of life so I enjoy reading other opinions (I’m sick I tell ya!). Plus it’s fun to bust on people that get so upset about things like paint on canvas or words on rocks.

And what really made me laugh was the quote in here about “That’s why I became an atheist!” How fucking pathetic & ignorant is that statement? You became an atheist not because science has convinced you but because you saw a painting of a President with 2 dead people praying for peace? Ignorance at its finest! I mean come on! That had to make you laugh! Perhaps a real atheist will come along soon to point out how ridiculous that thought process is. “Uh, well I do believe in a Creator, but damnit, that painting has made me an atheist just out of spite!” You just can’t make this stuff up.

With regards to my permission, you’re welcome and can consider it a blanket statement to apply to all areas of your life. You have my permission to (fill in the blank).


Watch it, pal. You’re bordering on Great Debates now!

How precious! An invitation to go away to other boards. I wonder if it’s possible that I already frequent other boards? Thanks for the invite though. I appreciate ya!

FTR- GW is a lousy prez, the painting sucks & some people on here are still whiny pussies.

If it was Kerry in the middle of that painting we’d have a slightly different crowd in here doing the hooting and hollering, but it would still be awful.

You know, I wouldn’t put it completely out of the realm of possibility that the painting was made purposely ironic by the artist, and he is simply selling it to the irony-impaired. He might have other paintings like “Clinton Prays For Celibacy” with the ghost of Kennedy.

I’ve come across some wretched patriotic visual glurge in recent weeks, like this image and this.

Y’know what’s even funnier than people who get worked up about crappy patriotic pseudo-art and compose long rants about it on a message board?

People who get worked up about people who get worked up about crappy patriotic pseudo art and compose long rants about it on a message board.
That said, elmwood, re your second link there: oh my god. Someone’s taken Kallessa’s description to heart and brought it to life in bold color. I was considering whipping up my own parody but I don’t think I could top that.

That last one has got to be a parody. If it is, it’s pretty damn funny. Hulk Hogan, Captain America AND an eagle on a flag draped over a collie’s back? That’s rich!

I can’t quite make out what’s in the upper left corner, though.

“I spend most of my time reading those forums.”

I had heard there were people who do this, but it’s the first time anyone has admitted it publically. :smiley:

It’s either an exploding space shuttle, or an albino turkey with gas.

You forgot “homoerotic”.

Touché! Oh the irony of it all! Oh well. It’s been a slow day at work and I’m bored.

But to think that people are actually buying thos paintings and displaying them in their homes. It’s almost as bad as my “Sanford & Son” motif thing I have going at home. I’m so glad I’m getting married and that someone else will be in charge of decorating.

That’s not just any collie, that’s fuckin’ Lassie! (Now I have this image of Timmy looking at Lassie going, “What is it, girl? Did Dale Earnhardt get killed when the shuttle exploded and crashed into the WTC? Did Captain America fall down a well? Does Hulk Hogan shave his pits? Are you pissed about having an eagle on your back? What is it?”)

I find myself saying this about something several times a week these days. I’m usually wrong.

I need something to settle my stomach.