I Pit... Time Zones! (Lame. Lamer. Lamest)

OK, I’m a transplanted Bostonian. Sorta. Kinda. Long story.
I’m also a sports buff.
I’m also in Israel, 7 time zones away.

So, the celtics haven’t won anything since I was a teenager in Boston (20+ years ago ( :eek: )). No prob there (except for the heartache, of course).

The 'Sox and the 'Pats? Not worth following either. At least until the Pats started winning. And even then, I was content to follow from afar, at a time lag. Or so it was until this fall.

So, I get to follow the Red Sox’ (and the Red Sock’s - y’all know whose) unbelievable Magical Mystery Tour by finding myself waking up at 4:00 AM to check how the game came out…

And still I keep my trap shut.

And now it’s Super Sunday. My team is playing; on the verge of becoming The football dynasty of the millennium. And the kickoff is at … 1:30 AM Monday morning :frowning: :smack: :mad:

For the very first time in my life, I find myself wishing the Flat Earth Contingent of the Loony Bin had it right…



Well waddya want? I said it was lame!!

Call in sick.

That way, you get to see my Eagles kick your Patriot’s collective ass all the way back to that frozen wasteland they’re from. :smiley:

Hey Dani - I’m up anyway (new baby), so I might as well watch. What channel is it on?

It’s 3:30 in the morning here. You’re not a fan until you’ve seen a game at that hour.

Go Horns!

This is kind of ironic, coming from someone who apparently feels that noon is special…


Ha! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

And the best part is I get to enjoy 20 deg. weather the same time that Boston does. Only my degrees are Celsius. :smiley:


:smack: posted and went to bed. Got back to the boards now. Kind of late for me to give you any help there… Not that I have any idea what channel it was on, anyway.

Hope you’re as happy with the results as I am :smiley:
