I pit work!

Managers who discuss all the good points about their various psychics! these people are getting paid the most, and are paid for critical thinking… yet they beleive their psychic Glenda can tell them about the future. something wrong here.

Colleagues who are too carreer focused to have a family so they spend an hour each day, talking about their pet dog like it is a child!

People discussing what was on TV last night, and who are so suprised you didnt watch it because they cannot fathom there is more to life than watching rubbish and beind advertised at!

Finally, Work itself, Wasting 5 out of every 7 days away for the majority of your life…

Something tells me i need a new job… :mad:

Wow, you sure are a sour one…does somebody have a case of the mondays?

I think that would be a fair assessment.

It’s just a job. If it makes you this unhappy, update your resume. I happen to enjoy my job.

Something tells me this is one thing you and your boss would agree on.

I hear ya. Sometimes I look at the admin and say, “no wonder we’re in the shit! You can’t think from A to B to C…”
I also dont’ like the ones who talk and treat their pets like they’re their kids/spouse etc–it’s a dog/cat/ferret/bird. Yes, they are great companions, but could we talk about what’s needed at work? Same goes for those who go on and on about their kids.

What is wrong with pitting work? I do not like my job. I am very good at it. I almost never talk about the issues I have with work, b/c it comes down (very quickly b/c no-one wants to hear it) to “get a new one.” That is not possible at this point for me–maybe it isn’t for the OP, as well. By all means, pit away–yoiu spend a majority of your time there, there are probably lots of things that you would like to be different.