I played on A Prairie Home Companion today

Probably the most high-profile gig I’ve ever had. I play in the Navy band that appeared on the show, and also got the opportunity to play in a small horn section with the Guy’s All-Star Shoe Band. Saw Sara and Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek perform, met Garrison Keillor, and had the best seat in the house. Long day, but a good one.

Anybody hear it by any chance?

I heard a large part of it (but probably not your horn section work with the other band). Unfortunately, the show plays at dinnertime here, and I’m not allowed to listen during dinner.

Great band, though, love those marches.

Thanks, I think Mr. Keillor did a good job with the march selections. He really seemed to take an interest in what we were playing, which was very cool to see.

I forgot to mention that probably the most interesting thing about being behind the scenes for the whole process was getting to see the show take shape–at the rehearsal the night before the show, the music director told us at that point they still didn’t know what they’d be doing the next day. They spent that night and the day of the show rehearsing tons of songs and skits, figuring out what works and what they had time for, and finally nailing down an actual plan about 45 minutes before the show went live. And it’s pretty remarkable how precisely the timing lined up with that two hour time slot. It must be mentally exhausting to go through the same process every week.

Anyway, it was a pretty exciting day. Definitely one of the high points of my career, and I hope that I get to have more experiences like this.

Eman, what instrument do you play?

Yes, I was listening last night.

Congrats - that is really cool!

Hear it? I was in the audience. :slight_smile: You guys were awesome! Everyone was talking about you on the way out of the theater.

What was the first song you played? I didn’t catch the name.

I play trombone. Yesterday made me wish I played a more radio-friendly instrument. Maybe they would have let me take a solo. :wink: Our trumpet player did an amazing job on the solo piece that the music director wrote for her, and I was pretty jealous.

Greg Charles, do you mean what was the first march we played? That was the Crossley March. The first tune that the horns played on the air with the rhythm section was Tishomingo Blues.

I listened too and thought you guys were the highlight of the show. I even got a tiny bit teary eyed when you played the medley of the branch anthems. That band really is tight.

Thanks, everybody, for the positive feedback. It’s good to hear how much military music means to the public, since you guys are paying for us and our jobs seem to always be on the chopping block, especially in this economy. It also meant a lot to hear the kind words Garrison Keillor had about military music programs–I’m sure he’s very aware of the recent criticism of the “wasteful” costs of military music (actually a very, very tiny percentage of total military spending). In the midst of all of that, it feels very affirming to be appreciated.

Great job! I got to listen to a little bit of it before my rehearsal this afternoon; I caught the end of what seemed like a march medley (of which the brass section impressed me the most; super tight and great intonation), and then the original piece for trumpet, which was quite lovely.

As a musician, I am always impressed by the music on that show, both guests, and the in-house band. Richard Dworsky runs an incredibly tight-sounding ship; I’d kill to have his chops and his gig.

I caught the last song – I’m no judge of music but it sounded great. Almost glad I missed the medley – always makes me cry.

And it was also great that we got to hear everyone’s names – that was a nice surprise.

I just heard the first piece, the Crossley March, but I thought you all sounded wonderful!

Congrats! you guys sounded great (and Keillor was hilarious commenting on the sad situation in Wisconsin)

Sad that I missed it. From the looks of their website at http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/ , they make the shows available, but lagged one week. So now I just have to remember to check it out later in the week.

My local station is doing a fund drive–so we got bits of repeats rather than your showl.

That is pretty cool - sorry I missed it.

Gah! The Swedish public service radio used to broadcast the show locally over Stockholm and I listened to it regularly, but for some reason they don’t anymore. I miss it.

This place is awesome - Dopers on the radio *and *live in the audience. :slight_smile: I heard you, both on Saturday and then on the Sunday repeat, Eman. Nice job, all of you.

  • wanders off humming marching music *

I listen to the show myself, when I’m around, and I don’t really care one way or the other about the narrative content, but that house band is HOT.

Did you get to see the piano player’s hands? He’s one sick mofo on piano, and I doubt there’s anyone alive today who can school him about Western swing, whorehouse piano, stride, when done in an improvisational context.

Does he cover other (key)boards as well as piano? How was it miked? What was the PA situation for you guys? How do you mic a horn for live radio broadcast, anyway? Clip into the bell?

Inquiring minds, fighting ignorance, tell all, tell us now!

Oh, and I forgot to add that I have MUCH respect for people in the armed services who are serving as musicians – it’s a tough audition, and you obviously earn your pension and pay by even qualifying to get in. As far as I’m concerned, you all are the Cadillacs of the musician class. Well, you and the Lawrence Welk Show!