I Pray This Often

As I am sure many of you, I worry about this country, it’s future, what happens if Donald Trump runs for POTUS, etc.

And as I’ve said before, I believe in God and being good, but not much else. I do still consider myself a nominal Roman Catholic FWIW.

Anyway I do still sometimes pray. Why an all-powerful, all-knowing God would care if I or anyone else prayed to Him or Her had vexed me since I was a child. But it does comfort me a little IAE.

That’s when I came up with the idea of using the last stanza of My Country 'Tis of Thee:

Our fathers’ God, to thee,

Author of liberty,

To thee we sing;

Long may our land be bright

With freedom’s holy light.

Protect us by thy might,

Great God, our King!

Try it. It’s cathartic.

By the way, something actually confuses me about the song. He prays to God, as the ‘Author of Liberty’, an obvious reference to the Declaration of Independence and Deism. Don’t Deists reject Providence and prayers?

I’m just wondering out loud. (Please don’t turn this into a debate. It isn’t :slightly_smiling_face: .)

I like that. It’s all the “else” stuff that mucks everything up.


When I had kids, I suddenly understood that old “God as a parent” concept.
BUT a good parent wants autonomy and free will for their kids.

And I discovered I did NOT want to protect my kids from the world. I wanted them to screw up and pay the price for it. And the bigger their mistakes, the more painful the consequences.

So the bad part of that is that a loving God is not going to protect us from our bad choices. And our selfishness and stupidity is going to hurt.

So, sure, pray for America. Can’t hurt. But I always wonder, can I bring myself to pray for the hearts of those who are ruining it?

I try to pray for Mitch and Ted and Tucker, and even Donald, that they be blinded by a light from heaven and say “Oh, my God, how wrong I’ve been!”
But it’s hard to believe they’d have enough heart to do so…

I’m in the UK and share your worry.

Indeed over here we have a Prime Minister (equivalent to your President) who is a ‘mini-Trump’.
Boris Johnson is a lying, adulterous, greedy, selfish person. Of course his party support him purely because he won an election.

Sadly this shows that God does not influence elections.

Aha. We are praying at cross purposes here.

Okay, I’ll accept “blinded by a light from heaven that reduces them to a smoldering pile of ash” as a plan B…

I can get behind that. :pray:

I’m not an organized religion devotee’. At all. I do believe there’s a higher power.

If we believe in this all knowing, all seeing God, surely you must believe he knows what he’s doing. And why.

To my pea brain, I gotta trust that or totally give up my belief in this higher power.
It seems like bad things are always happening to good people and it’s really the only way to explain these bad things.

I don’t know if it helps, but you could believe in a God that is not omnipotent?

I don’t see that “Author of Liberty” is necessarily a reference to the Declaration of Independence per se. It’s just an example of the very common phenomenon of someone claiming Divine sanction for his preferred political philosophy.

Deism, as I understand it, is sort of a “God of the gaps” philosophy that held that God had created the universe (since the eighteenth century hadn’t figured out the Big Bang) but no longer actively intervenes in it (because they had figured out enough science to realize that the stuff they experienced in everyday life all followed predictable physical laws). From that point of view, prayer would seem to be useless, but I suppose you could argue that it has a positive psychological effect on the pray-er.