On my way to work. It was already dead. Unidentifiable. Ick.
In four and a half hours you’ll have a chance to do it again.
This time though approach the spot slowly, pull up until your right rear tire is right over it, roll down your window, laugh like a maniac and floor it.
Same here, except mine was readily identifiable as a squirrel. The local streets are currently quite narrow because of the plowed-up snow, meaning there was no room to swerve around the critter. Man, I hate that squilick sound they make when you drive over them.
Of course, it’s roughly 8 degrees outside, so it was more of a gravelly karrunch sound.
Can we force Sequential Thread titles? Because I really want to see “I ran over something this morning” followed by “Behold my new Sammich!”
I find it unutterably funny that Wile E should post in a thread about running over some animal.
I’m going to Hell, aren’t I?
Don’t have to force it - it was just now.
(Ooops - now I’ve broken it).
Oooh! OOOH! One of my favorite traveling games is “Identify the dead thing in the road”!
Actually, it’s not my favorite game. I only “play” it because it drives my wife and kids nuts:
Me (after tiring of the “Are we there yet?” game): Let’s play “Identify the dead thing in the road”!
Kids: Gross!
Wife: I am NOT playing that game
Me: Oppossum - 10 points!
Wife: Stop it!
Me: Deer - 15 points!
Kids: DAAAaaaAAAd!
Me: Squirrel - 1 point! I’m building a huge lead, y’all better start playing.
Wife: Raccoo…NO, I will not play this stupid game!
Me: Fine, I’ll just win then.
Kids: You can’t win 'cause we’re not playing.
Me: A win by talent or a win by default - matters not to me. It’s still a “V” in the books.
Wife: :rolleyes:
Me: Platypus! 750 points! Woohoo!
Kids: That was not a platypus, it was another oppossum.
Me: I thought you weren’t playing.
Kids: We’re not.
Me: Yes you are, you just tried to identify a dead thing in the road. Misidentification is a 50 point deduction, so it’s Dad - 776, Mom - 0, Kids - minus 50.
Kids: NO WAY! Not Fair!
We can go on for miles and miles. I hate long trips.
Come drive in my neighborhood, we appear to have a vast collection of dead skunks. I posted a GQ thread asking why the skunks appear to have gone into mating seasons a month early and it sank like… well, like an old dead rodent really.
I would suggest that when you make pit stops be sure to take the car keys with you.
Bleah! I hate that.
We live on a very narrow street and have loads of raccoons, squirrels, and possums just fighting themselves to be run over.
There was a very dead possum that I thought I was going to be able to straddle with the car.
Didn’t make it. :smack:
Of course, then my dear husband has to make the comment: “Hope we’re not dragging it”
: shudder :
One of the joys of country living is the daily roadkill count. I just love it when my neighbor spots a particularly fresh piece of roadkill and informs me that I can have it if I want cause he aint’ got time to dress it and cook it. Of course, being the good neighbor that I am, I also offer him dibs on all fresh roadkill I spot. We need to make sure each other is getting proper nutrition after all.
Did I ever mention the dead armadillo that some clown put in the middle of a traffic island and put an empty Bud Light can in its little paws? I hurried home to get my camera to get a picture but by the time I got back animal control was removing it. The spoilsports.
You’re married?!?!
But…but…I thought you were mine!
Ohhh, Anaamika…didn’t you know? harmless is everybody’s!
Love ya, harmy! So, no hurting me, right?
I love you for this - awesome game!
Ok, I feel better now. Cause I watch her, you know.
I *always * watch her.
(harmless, i’m joking! don’t run away! what’s this? a restraining order?)
Oh, yes, I certainly do. And the plug wires. The family has gotten pretty good at hotwiring.
And thank you, Mdme Foster, I needs all the love I can gets.
Ahem…The sig reads Attention Ho, 2004.
Which I guess has now expired does make me just a Ho. :smack:
Tttthhhhhhhppppppppppppbt! That should be kitten’s job, Hal. smack [peggy hill]Hoo Yeah! [/ph]
Anaamika, of course I’m all yours.
Until Angelina Jolie returns my calls. rrrrowwwwr
I don’t mind sharing! But I want controlling interest.
Hey, I’ve already had this fight with my husband…the girl is mine!
I am the harem mistress after all.
Angelina in a harem outfit…
um, what were we talking about?
I want controlling interest in you, not her.