I ran over something this morning.

On my way to work. It was already dead. Unidentifiable. Ick.

In four and a half hours you’ll have a chance to do it again.

This time though approach the spot slowly, pull up until your right rear tire is right over it, roll down your window, laugh like a maniac and floor it.

Same here, except mine was readily identifiable as a squirrel. The local streets are currently quite narrow because of the plowed-up snow, meaning there was no room to swerve around the critter. Man, I hate that squilick sound they make when you drive over them.

Of course, it’s roughly 8 degrees outside, so it was more of a gravelly karrunch sound.

Can we force Sequential Thread titles? Because I really want to see “I ran over something this morning” followed by “Behold my new Sammich!

I find it unutterably funny that Wile E should post in a thread about running over some animal.

I’m going to Hell, aren’t I?

Don’t have to force it - it was just now.

(Ooops - now I’ve broken it).


Oooh! OOOH! One of my favorite traveling games is “Identify the dead thing in the road”!

Actually, it’s not my favorite game. I only “play” it because it drives my wife and kids nuts:

Me (after tiring of the “Are we there yet?” game): Let’s play “Identify the dead thing in the road”!
Kids: Gross!
Wife: I am NOT playing that game
Me: Oppossum - 10 points!
Wife: Stop it!
Me: Deer - 15 points!
Kids: DAAAaaaAAAd!
Me: Squirrel - 1 point! I’m building a huge lead, y’all better start playing.
Wife: Raccoo…NO, I will not play this stupid game!
Me: Fine, I’ll just win then.
Kids: You can’t win 'cause we’re not playing.
Me: A win by talent or a win by default - matters not to me. It’s still a “V” in the books.
Wife: :rolleyes:
Me: Platypus! 750 points! Woohoo!
Kids: That was not a platypus, it was another oppossum.
Me: I thought you weren’t playing.
Kids: We’re not.
Me: Yes you are, you just tried to identify a dead thing in the road. Misidentification is a 50 point deduction, so it’s Dad - 776, Mom - 0, Kids - minus 50.
Kids: NO WAY! Not Fair!

We can go on for miles and miles. I hate long trips.

Come drive in my neighborhood, we appear to have a vast collection of dead skunks. I posted a GQ thread asking why the skunks appear to have gone into mating seasons a month early and it sank like… well, like an old dead rodent really.

I would suggest that when you make pit stops be sure to take the car keys with you.

Bleah! I hate that.
We live on a very narrow street and have loads of raccoons, squirrels, and possums just fighting themselves to be run over.
There was a very dead possum that I thought I was going to be able to straddle with the car.
Didn’t make it. :smack:
Of course, then my dear husband has to make the comment: “Hope we’re not dragging it”
: shudder :

One of the joys of country living is the daily roadkill count. I just love it when my neighbor spots a particularly fresh piece of roadkill and informs me that I can have it if I want cause he aint’ got time to dress it and cook it. :smiley: Of course, being the good neighbor that I am, I also offer him dibs on all fresh roadkill I spot. We need to make sure each other is getting proper nutrition after all.

Did I ever mention the dead armadillo that some clown put in the middle of a traffic island and put an empty Bud Light can in its little paws? I hurried home to get my camera to get a picture but by the time I got back animal control was removing it. The spoilsports.

You’re married?!?!

But…but…I thought you were mine!


Ohhh, Anaamika…didn’t you know? harmless is everybody’s! :wink:

Love ya, harmy! So, no hurting me, right? :smiley:

I love you for this - awesome game!


Ok, I feel better now. Cause I watch her, you know.

I *always * watch her.

(harmless, i’m joking! don’t run away! what’s this? a restraining order?)

Oh, yes, I certainly do. And the plug wires. The family has gotten pretty good at hotwiring.

And thank you, Mdme Foster, I needs all the love I can gets.

Ahem…The sig reads Attention Ho, 2004.
Which I guess has now expired does make me just a Ho. :smack:
Tttthhhhhhhppppppppppppbt! That should be kitten’s job, Hal. smack [peggy hill]Hoo Yeah! [/ph] :wink:
Anaamika, of course I’m all yours.
Until Angelina Jolie returns my calls. rrrrowwwwr :wink:

I don’t mind sharing! But I want controlling interest. :wink:

Hey, I’ve already had this fight with my husband…the girl is mine! :stuck_out_tongue:
I am the harem mistress after all.
Angelina in a harem outfit…

um, what were we talking about?

I want controlling interest in you, not her.