I really need help with a medium-long hairstyle

I need to find a photo and a scanner…which I keep meaning to do but have still not gotten around to. One of these days I will have a pic of me with short hair.

Actually, he is a laid back guy and very easy to get along with. And obviously I do care about his opinion, which is why I am only getting the back half cut short. :wink:

Last night he said that my hair was up to me, but he thought that I had wanted his honest opinion on the haircut when I showed it to him. I told him that of course I didn’t want his honest opinion, I wanted him to lie and agree with me that it was the cutest cut ever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, well, never mind then. :slight_smile:

My son dated a girl with that ‘do. It was freekin’ adorable!

Speaking as a guy, the second cut - the asymmetrical one - looks dreadful. I’d also be concerned about a normal bob if your face isn’t thin.

So he doesn’t like the inverted bob very much, but there might be other styles he would like, right? Take him along to the stylist and look at medium-length styles together. Of course it’s your hair and you can do whatever you like, but why purposely make yourself unattractive to your mate?