My tenth year high school reunion is tomorrow. Tonight I met with some of my former classmates. It was a life changing experience for me.
Here I was, thinking I had it bad. And truth is, I’m pretty sure I did. Abusive family life: check. Abusive school life: check. Suicidal tendencies: check.
And yet, when I spoke to some of my fellow classmates, I realized that I didn’t go through jack shit.
I spoke with Crystal. She was very, very large in high school, and she took the abuse in stride, yet I know it hurt her. What I didn’t know was that she was abused by her father in ways that one can not describe, and she took it willingly to spare her dying mother the abuse. Now she is 150 pounds thinner and a wonderful person, which I was unable to realize in high school solely because she was fat. Knowing now what I didn’t know then, I would have kicked the living shit out of her father, but it’s too late.
I’m sorry, Crystal.
I used to make fun of the people who went to Vo-Tech because they were different. Now I realize that they were looking towards the future, which I lacked the foresight to do, basically because I had the misguided perception that they were rednecks.
I’m sorry, guys.
And then there’s Mike. He was a dirtbag to me, and I held him in disdain because of that. I knew then that he was a druggie, and because of that I held him in contempt. For that sin I was beaten, abused, and harassed in high school. Now he has squared himself away and is an E-6 in the Army. Yet for some reason I felt the need to tell him that it wasn’t cool what he did to me ten years ago.
I’m sorry, Mike.
I want everyone currently in high school to take note of this:
What people were then is not reflective of the people that they have the potential to become. I am guilty of misjudgment in so many cases, and for that I am sorry. I now consider that a failure on my behalf, and while I may be the only party to the situation showing any kind of remorse, it falls upon me to look back on what I have learned, And I have learned that high school is bullshit. Whatever social circle you run in, continue to do so. Do your own thing. Because in ten years it’s not going to matter worth a damn.
I’m sorry, guys. I’m sorry that I judged you. I can only ask for forgiveness and try to do better i the future. Hopefully I will have the strength to do so.