I sleep in an electromagnetic field. Is that bad?

I bought an electric blanket to keep my feet warm a few weeks back, and whenever I go to sleep with it on (it shuts itself off after three hours of use) I’m wondering if EM currents pass through my body or not. I’m hovering towards yes, because last night I got tingles everywhere all over my body, and sometimes it feels like my heart rate is faster than it should be. I’m very healthy and fit, so I think it’s the electric charges passing through my body. So is that for sure what’s going on? Could there be something else that makes my whole body feel tingly, aside from neurological diseases which I don’t have? Part of me thinks that on my way to sleep the body is regenerating itself similarly to how we experience sudden nerve jumps or spasms while we’re resting. Maybe the whole body tingle has something to do with that? I mean, if it’s EM currents I think I should turn off the blanket when it’s all warmed and depend on the remaining heat. The increase in heart rate I’ve felt on several occasions as well, and if you’re at rest for something like that to happen, it can’t be a good thing. Does anyone have any advice or answers about this? Any similar experiences with electric blankets?

Heat can cause tingly sensations, but I certainly wouldn’t rule out diseases or disorders even if you’re certain you “don’t have” them.

Anyway, there’s no real evidence that EM fields cause cancer, tooth decay, astigmatism, or the gum disease GINGIVITIS!.. sorry. :wink: Scare-mongering aside, studies that have shown links like that have not been replicated elsewhere, leading to questions involving experiment design and statistical errors instead of the possible effects of electromagnetic radiation. Kids who live under powerlines aren’t retarded, cell phone users will die behind the wheel instead of from brain cancer, and monitors cause eyestrain more reliably than leukemia.

Yes, of course they do. But you won’t feel them. I’ve walked under high-voltage transmission lines and felt nothing that I could discern. The weak EM fields your electric blanket are emitting are nothing in comparison.

So perhaps it is the heat that causes the tingly sensation then. And the increased heart rate, maybe? Sometimes? :confused:

You haven’t allowed for distance. The high voltage line might be carrying 1000 A, but it’s 10 m away. The electric blanket is only carrying, say, 1 A, but it’s 0.01 m away.

That is, the current is 1000 times smaller, but the distance is also 1000 times smaller. That means the the magnetic field strength in the two situations is actually the same.

The heat may be drying out the air around the blanket increasing the chance for an electrostatic field (static electricity). That may be the tingling. Or, it just may be psychosomatic delusional paranoia.

Even without the blanket, you’re constantly steeped in electromagnetic radiation (EM) all day long. Your house is wired for electricity which creates EMs. Light is an EM field. The broadcast radio waves your radio picks up is an EM field you’re living in. And then there’s the microwave radiation left over from the big bang – just try turning that off.

And so, there’s nothing to worry about… if you wrap yourself in aluminum foil all day long.


That’s at the skin surface. Now run the numbers at the body center, say, .08 m from the surface. :smiley:

These numbers are looking pretty promising.

By an odd coincidence there was a glowing article by a health matters journalist in Monday’s paper about this device which is supposed to undo the harm caused by EM fields. I don’t know anymore than what is presented here but it has links to other organisations - under stressors.

If an electromagneticfeild-o-phobe and a magnetic therapy hawker met, would they turn into gamma rays like a positron and electron colliding? :slight_smile:

Stick your tongue in a power point, and then tell me that a voltage or current at the skin surface is of no consequence.

Your tongue is a lot more conductive and sensitive than your skin. For a (non-lethal) example, hold the terminals of a 9V battery to your tongue and taste the electricity. Now hold them to the palm of your hand. You won’t feel anything.

At any rate, the amount of current induced by an electric blanket in your body is so tiny it is certainly imperceptable. If the blanket was damaged and was electrocuting you, that would be a different matter altogether.

The whole point of that example is that the tongue lacks that barrier of dry skin. The dry skin covering the rest of your body likewise does not act as a barrier to currents induced by an external time varying magnetic field.

In any case, I was simply pointing out the serious error in Q.E.D. statement that the field from a blanket was “nothing in comparison” to that from a high voltage powerline. The two are in fact the same.

It depends on the wiring. If the wiring in the blanket loops back on itself, then it rapidly looks like no net current, and thus no field, as you move away from the blanket.

Take a look at one. The wiring does loop back on itself. However, the wires are spaced several (about 5) centimetres apart. The field cancellation is ineffective at distances smaller than that. Your body is too close to the blanket for the cancellation to prevent currents being induced.

P.S., you’ve got your reasoning a bit backward with this: “it rapidly looks like no net current, and thus no field”. It’s actually that there is no field at a distance of, say, a metre, which looks like no net current.

Dithclaimer: thith ith a feally feally bad idea. Don’t 'o it.

You have lived your whole life in planet Earth’s magnetic field, & it hasn’t hurt you yet.

Don’t worry.

There is no such thing as an electromagnetic field! There are electric fields, there are magnetic fields and there are electromagnetic waves (including radio, light, UV, X-rays,…, covering different ranges in the EM spectrum. For instance AM radio waves are several miles long, FM waves are several feet, microwaves several microns and light waves several tenths of a milli-micron (aka nanometers, IIRC).

The EM radiation of 110 V at 60 hz is truly negligeable. The real question concerns the electric field. There is no convincing evidence that it can have any biological effect, but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Still, with all the too real biohazards around (UV radiation, SO2, NOx micron particles and god knows what else in the atmosphere, not to mention the dangers of getting into a car or crossing the street, this would be far, far down on my list of things to worry about.

And after you purchase that gadget, I have some dynamite beachfront property in Arizona you can have for a song.

And here are some more worthwhile purchases. Note that some protect you from EMFs, because they are harmful, while others promote EMFs because they are beneficial:
[ul][]Copenlabs: Instruments to “Perform Radionic Balancing”[]Balance Bracelet:“Recharge your damaged cells and return them to their normal biological state”[]Earthcalm Bracelets:“Amplify a person’s resonance to cosmic frequencies with an oscillating circuit” to heal better[]The Zapper: A Blood Electrifier, prevents colds and cures AIDS[]Institute of Technical Energy Medicine: Monitor auras of people and plants[]Ease stress, prevent jet lag, bolster strength, and alleviate environmental allergies, just by wearing a watch. “It puts the wearer in the Shumann Resonance, emanating 7.83 Hz, the same frequency of prayer, peace and healing.”[]Eletra Home Protection: Use “Cyclotron Resonance” to improve learning in your kids[]Magna Bloc[sup]TM[/sup] Technology: Fixes “abnormally functioning pain fibers”Q-Ray Bracelets: “Enhance sports performance”[/ul]Wait! Don’t go away, there’s lots more…

And after you purchase that gadget, I have some dynamite beachfront property in Arizona you can have for a song.

And here are some more worthwhile purchases. Note that some protect you from EMFs, because they are harmful, while others promote EMFs because they are beneficial:
[ul][li]Copenlabs: Instruments to “Perform Radionic Balancing”[]Balance Bracelet:“Recharge your damaged cells and return them to their normal biological state”[]Earthcalm Bracelets:“Amplify a person’s resonance to cosmic frequencies with an oscillating circuit” to heal better[]The Zapper: A Blood Electrifier, prevents colds and cures AIDS[]Institute of Technical Energy Medicine: Monitor auras of people and plants[]Ease stress, prevent jet lag, bolster strength, and alleviate environmental allergies, just by wearing a watch. “It puts the wearer in the Shumann Resonance, emanating 7.83 Hz, the same frequency of prayer, peace and healing.”[]Eletra Home Protection: Use “Cyclotron Resonance” to improve learning in your kids[]Magna Bloc[sup]TM[/sup] Technology: Fixes “abnormally functioning pain fibers”[]Q-Ray Bracelets: “Enhance sports performance”[/ul]Wait! Don’t go away, there’s lots more…[/li][/QUOTE]

Alright so which one should I buy? Maybe one of each?