I sold a fantasy story to a podcast! Take a listen...

(With mod permission for linking.)

Well, after trying to sell my short fiction for a few years now, finally I found a taker! The podcast is called Gallery of Curiosities, just starting up out of New Mexico, and the story is one I first wrote at the Odyssey workshop, “Love is a Masterpiece”, about a tunnel of love with an actual love goddess working her will inside.

Gallery of Curiosities “How to Listen” page.Episode notes for Love is a Curious Thing, their Valentine’s day episode featuring my story along with a zombie wife.

Even though this wasn’t a contest story, I’d like to thank Le Min and everybody else who participated in or commented on the SDMB short fiction contest for helping me hone my storytelling skills.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Congratulations! I can’t listen right now, but I’ll get to it, promise!

Which story is yours? Love is a Masterpiece or Love is a Curious Thing?

“Love is a curious thing” isn’t a story, it’s just the title for the podcast comprising my story, “Love is a Masterpiece”, and “That Peculiar way of hers” by Joel Arnold.

Just listened; very much admired the podcast format, and the host with his delectable “Vincent Price” voice. I liked the artistry of your reader.

I love the host’s pointed question, whether it was a “happy ending” or not.

Given the Victorian setting, I would say, yes, it was a happy ending. By more modern standards…I dunno! A bit of a shiver. The story isn’t properly “horror,” but it has some very subtle scares hiding within it.

Good narrative structure, good grammar (okay, one instance of “him and I” that ought to have been “him and me” – shrug: only a tiny handful of us Grammar Bobbies really care,) strong dialogue, elegant scene-setting, and, most important, the reader (listener!) can readily identify with the protagonist’s emotions at every point. The protagonist’s personality is very clearly presented.

In my personal opinion, I think this story would come across better on the printed page than as an audio-story, but that’s just a personal preference. What I listened to for 26 minutes, I would have been happier reading in thirteen.

Still, the presentation was delightful. The host is so much fun!

So tell me: in your opinion, does the story work better in print, on the page, or as an audio reading? Which do you prefer, as a method of communicating your writing, and which do you prefer, when you are partaking of a story? I am guessing – this is solely a raw speculation – that you did not write it specifically to be read aloud. Would you have done anything differently if you had intended it to be an audio story?

Anyway, you have every right to be happy with the end result: the presentation and reading were extremely nicely done. Even the music was good: it added to the overall package without intruding upon it.

Superba! Bravo bravo! (Throws a spray of roses onto the stage!)

Hey, thanks so much for your comments!

I actually think it works really well as an audio reading, but that might be a little hard for me to judge, just because I’ve worked so hard on the text and I feel I’m used to it, while the addition of Garnet’s narration and the music track have novelty value to me. :wink:

I’m a big fan of text stories and audio stories both… possibly a little more of audio, because of the way it carries me through the story at its own pace.

No, I didn’t write it to be read aloud. I guess that possibility first occurred to me as I was finishing revisions–I’d discovered the incredible Escape Artists podcasts and submitted another story to them. I’ve always thought that this story would make a pretty good audio story, but no, I didn’t do anything to slant it that way, either before submitting or after it was accepted. The only thing I can think of doing along those lines at the moment would be to stress dialog, and really, I stress that enough even when I’m writing for print. :wink:
