I Survived My Visit With Mom...

Thanks Zette… a lot of people don’t realize that not all moms are loving and kind. My mom is a violent, mean, cold woman who wouldn’t know love if it bit her on the ass.

As for why I saw her at all, well, I’m trying very hard to have a positive adult relationship with her. Everyone told me growing up that when I was an adult, we’d finally get along… so I’m trying. I also want my son to know his grammy. She actually seems to love him… so that is something.

O p a l C a t

Love bit me on the ass once–it can get dangerously infected, and even antibiotics won’t clear it up.

Does love get infected?
Or your ass?


You may be thinking of Satan’s ass. I hear biting it can be quite hazardous to your health.

Live a Lush Life
Da Chef

I don’t have any horror stories about my mother. She has never hit me or verbally abused me. However, she has not become the doting grandmother that I always hoped my kids would have. She doesn’t ask about them when she calls to talk to me, which really isn’t very often. The rare times I ask her to watch the kids so I can get a night out, she always has some excuse why she can’t do it. My parents recently went on a cruise and my stepdad had to remind her to buy souveniers for the grandkids, because it had simply slipped her mind. She’s not mean to them at all, she just gives off the impression that she doesn’t want to be bothered with them unless it’s convenient for her (like when she wants to show off her grandmotherly instincts to her friends). As a result, we have drifted apart and we rarely see each other. She did, however, invite us over for Thanksgiving this year, which I’m still trying to decide whether I want to go or not.

“We are what we pretend to be.”

  • Kurt Vonnegut

Glad you’re back home, Opal, and the ordeal is behind you. I admire you for taking the high road and trying to make something out of damned little for your kids sake.

The platitude would probably be that your mother is a deeply unhappy woman. Which is probably true, but I’ve never quite understood why unhappiness is taken as a license to mistreat others. If she can show some love to her grandkids, maybe it’s worth it. But if the emotional battering goes on, you may have to cut the connection anyway. It has to confuse a kid, watching her abuse you.

Sorry, that was unsought advice and pushy. But you need to be a happy mom yourself, and if the emotional toll gets to be too heavy it may be better to just walk away.

Tough talk, I know, but I agree w/ Flora. I have family I cordially detest and plan never to see again, ever, under any circumstances. Anyway, all the best to you and yours.


Wow, thanks for the nice comments everyone…and a few of you even took the time to email me… I never expected that! Thanks! sniff y’all care!

O p a l C a t

I agree with many of the above comments here and I am very thankful for my own mother.

Some women are not meant to be mothers.I know this is no news flash to you and many othere here. Opal, it sounds like yours has grown up somewhat since you left home or maybe your self confidence and life experience now will not allow you to be treated like crap. How you turned out so well is only a testimony of your intelligence, backbone,compassion and ability to overcome and rise above. If it were truly unbearable, then you would have severed all ties along time ago. You are learning alot from her, if only how not to treat your child, others and yourself.

I would just like to say that that is probably my most coherent and shortest posting.(and you guys thought I didn’t know I rambled…heh.)