I think it's bullshit that the Positive abortion news of the day thread was closed.

I’m sorry… What?

Whether or not this was meant to “poke fun” at the gun news thread (as others have already said, I would also not have started a parody thread with a heartfelt personal anecdote like that), the thread started out fine and was looking like a perfectly valid, perfectly reasonable thread right up until people barged into it assuming it was parody and tried to be dicks about it. The only person in that thread who was anywhere near trolling was manson.

Meanwhile, friendly reminder of what somehow doesn’t count as trolling to the mods here. Link, context.

The moderators here do not know what trolling is and do not have a damned clue how to stop it. Remember, this is what Jonathan Chance had to say on the subject:

Bolding mine.

So expect a lot more bad calls like this, and expect to never be rid of most of the noxious, idiotic, not-worth-debating trolls that pollute various threads on this forum.