I think it's time to come out of the closet - I love "Friends"

Can’t help myself - he said, “Jam” and not 'bananas." Joey likes jam.

Ross: It’s card SHARK not card SHARP
Russ: You could not be more wrong. You could try, but you would not be successful
Rachel: (from behind them, unseen) :confused: ew!

I’m not very good at remembering quotes, but one I do recall, from the trivia game for the apartment:

Q: “What is the name on Chandler’s TV Guide subscription?”

A: Mrs Chanandalar Bong.

Otherwise, some of my favorite bits include:

– Jon Lovitz, playing Monica’s prospective boss, gets high before dinner and eats everything in the apartment

– Phoebe teaching Chrissie Hynde (of the Pretenders) how to play “Smelly Cat”

– Ross’s attempt to challenge Phoebe on her claimed disbelief in evolution, where she completely destroys his arguments, then basically says she was just messing with him

– Chandler convincing Joey he should change his stage name to “Joe Stalin”.

Another favorite Ross moment (and he wasn’t my favorite character but somehow was involved in my favorite moments - go figure!):

Rachel & Chandler are helping Ross carry his new couch up the stairwell into his apartment:
“Pivot! Pivot! Pivot! PIVOT!!!”

Exactly! I love that scene. And I agree, though Ross wasn’t my favorite character, but sometimes he could really deliver a line.

As cited earlier " …yes, yes it is IN PRISON" in response to Chandler and the “cuppage” at the tailor’s.

In response to Rachel telling him he’s crazy for being jealous…"AM I? Am I LOOOOOsing my senses?

O.K., that’s it. I’m starting a Friends’ Quote Trivia thread when I get home tonight. That way I’ll have my daughter’s input. She is a Friends quote machine.
I’d do it now but I’m already not supposed to be here and thinking up questions takes a whole lotta time.

Ross: What are you doing?
Chandler: Making chocolate milk. You want some?
Ross: No thanks, I’m 29.
Rachel: Guess what, GUESS WHAT?
Chandler: The fifth dentist finally caved and now they ALL recommend Trident?

(during the bad-boyfriend karma ritual)
Phoebe: All right, now we need the semen of a righteous man.
Rachel: OK, Pheebs, you know what? If we had that, we wouldn’t be doing the ritual in the first place.

  • as Joey walks into Central Perk:
    Joey: Hey Gunther, have you seen Chandler?
    Gunther: I thought you were Chandler. (motions) Um, one of you is over there…
    And of course:
    “How you doin’?”

How could a person not laugh at that?

Like me, Ross and Rachel are half-Jewish.


From the already mentioned Trivia episode:

Ross: What is Chandler’s job?
Monica & Rachel: umm… um… I know this… something with numbers…
Rachel: I know, he’s a trans… transponster!!!
Monica: That’s not even a word!!!!

when was that established?

On-topic: I was (ans still am) a complete film and tv snob. I knew I would hate Friends, so I obviously wouldn’t stoop to watch it…until my SO forced me to watch it. Damn, this show is sooooo good. I can always, ALWAYS, watch it if it comes on and be perfectly entertained. To my wife: I was wrong. You were right. :slight_smile:

To the hijack: As funny as the show is, it’s also capable of pulling off some genuinely tender moments where you really believe these people are best friends. Not the romantic stuff; that’s easy. Genuine friendship is harder.

Take Chandler, after breaking up with Janis, sitting alone in his chair listening (and singing along) to Lionel Richie. Phoebe walks in, and instantly gets what’s going on. She cuddles in to him on the arm of the chair, and gently sings along with him. No actual conversation, but it’s incredible touching. I love that bit.

My husband and I say that all the time. We’re lame. Actually, Jim was telling me that the architect for one of his projects designed stairs that are too big to get through the building to the installation area, and I suggested to him that he tell the guys to “PIVAAAAHT!” when they’re trying to get them in. That oughta do it. :smiley:

Now we’re doing favourite lines, and I can’t think of any. How embarrassing.

Oh, oh, I’ve thought of one - Chandler comes in and Monica is in the bedroom, and he says something like, “I’m home, so your boyfriend has to leave now.” and Monica responds with, “We only fool around at his place.”, and Chandler comes back with, “I know I started it, but it’s scaring me now, so please come out.”

And of course, Phoebe’s, “I’m very bendy.”

I agree — and it somehow seems like they’re my own friends in a weird way… And it’s amazing how often I’m in a situation or hear someone talking about a situation where I can come up with a Friends anecdote related to it! I’ve tried to curb doing that though - hate to drive my IRL friends crazy! :slight_smile:

I so miss it now that it’s gone - thank goodness for reruns and DVD’s!!

One thing though - I really don’t get why people think it got so bad the last few seasons… The only thing I can really think of that bothered me was the Rachel / Joey hookup - they just seemed to have more of a sibling relationship at that point to me. But maybe I just watch through rose colored glasses.

When their father was Eliot Gould and their mother was Christina Pickles.

I don’t know of any line which discussed it definitively, but it’s the only theory that fits the facts. Not only the fact that Monica celebrates Christmas, but also that Ross refers to Ben in the Hanukah Armadillo episode as “part” Jewish not half-Jewish.


what - you don’t think Christina Pickles portrayed a typical (not stereotypical) Long Island Jewish housewife? Trust me. She did.

Phoebe – Yo, dude. Eleven o’clock…totally hot babe checkin’ you out. Ooo…I think I’m ready for my penis now!

‘Hey, pal, put the mouse back in the house. This is a family place.’


For Joey, it’s when he figures out about Monica and Chandler… it was perfectly done.

For Monica “Married a lesbian; Left a man at the altar; Fell in love with a gay ice dancer; Threw a girl’s wooden leg in the fire; Livin’ in a box!” or possibly New Year’s Rockin’ Eve.

Yes, that was great. Dumb old Joey makes the connection. :smiley:
And he had the exact same reaction when they realized Ross was the father of Rachel’s baby.
Ross picks up the sweater they thought was Tag’s (“Hey, here’s my sweater! I thought I lost this about six weeks ago!”), Monica and Phoebe react immediately, and Joey takes a few minutes. “Oh, oh, oh!”

Another good one. :smiley:

And, similarly, when Chandler deflects their criticism of his smoking by pointing out everyone else’s annoying habits, then sits back in bliss as they all disintegrate.