I think my family was attacked by the Government Saturday night

Do they make their own borscht?

Winston Smith–could you have been a victim of THE MAD GASSER OF MATOON --LINK ?

Do you live near Matoon?

Do you find the name “Matoon” intriguing?
OG knows I do!

Dude, it wasn’t the government, it was the Grays.
Don’t you watch X-Files?

It rhymes with spitoon?

Rabbit season!

Calm yourself. As an expert in the manipulation of the human mind, I can assure you that there’s nothing you can do about it anyway.

Just look a these five dots and know everything will be alright * * * *


Yes, I threw on a cheap NextGen joke to further distract you from the subliminal text and servoterms in my post.

That’s precisely how they make it feel these days, you know.

Duck season! Fire!!!

Winston Smith distrusting the government?!? Double-plus-ungood!

The Dope has always been at war with Eastasia.

Well I for one hoped you have learned a lesson. World domination indeed! You didn’t think GW and the worlds greatest henchman Dick “The Icepick” Cheney were just going to sit back and let you do it, did you? I’m just glad you escaped with your lives. :smiley:

**Omegaman indeed! Did you really think **you **could away with the last post in this thread?!?

It’s baseball season.