…but he was just plain-clothes security making sure I didn’t steal anything. Sigh. It might be funny if it didn’t happen to me.
No, no. I was definitely checking you out, sexy.
Should’ve asked him if he saw you stealing his heart, hopefully?
(Say it like Dr. Zoidberg would. With the question at the end.)
So, was he hot? Now, you know how to get his attention in the future…
That’s the time for you to head for certain sections and pick up the most bizarre books you can find.
I’ve always wanted to catch a plain-clothes security guard shecking me out. If i saw it happen, i would start acting really suspiciously, and make like i was sneaking books into my bag, and then suddenly make for the door.
Then i would act all righteously indignant when i got accosted and had not stolen anything.
Juvenile? Yep. But probably fun, too!
I doubt it. Store security are not the nicest people and you’d probably be asked not to return to the store if you made a big enough production of it.
Once me and beerchick were in the Antiques section of Macy’s on 34th street when a not-so-inconspicuous salesclerk/guard started following us around no-so-inconspicuously. So we started talking REALLY LOUDLY about all the pretty anti-cues and speculating which ones would fit in our pockets while bringing us the most cash in the underground anti-cue market.
The guy followed us for the better part of an hour but never said a word. Coward.
I’ve never gotten that kind of treatment. Just the loud and snotty “Can I HELP you with something?”
This happened to me, and I grabbed my package and licked my lips. Strangely, he found someone else to observe.
OH! Your package. Heh. Now I get it! (wink! ;))
I got cruised by a guy at Kyobo Books in downtown Seoul. I was browsing in the English language section when this very attractive Westerner started chatting to me. “Hi, I’m looking for some supplemental grammar books for my class.” Next thing you know, we’re back at my place making the walls shake.
Ah, good times.
So now you’re thinking of me. It’s a good thing, yes?
Next time bring me along, while he’s following you i’ll rob the store blind!
That’s what I usually get and normally I say “No thanks, I am just looking around.” After all, if I needed help, I’d ask.
Last saturday I wanted to compare prices for laptops and my dad accompanied me. When the guy asked us whether we needed help my dad said “yes” and talked to the poor guy for roughly half an hour, lecturing him about this and that until the guy finally gave up and found another victim.
Yeh, I always get followed by security guards. bah, sometime someone will steal something when they’re looking at me, then they’ll be sorry.
Me and my brother have a good way of getting round them when we’re both being followed. When we notice the guard we make sure he’s watching us, then assuming the store is large enough we go to opposite corners where he can’t watch us both.
Simple pleasures
A couple of my cousins look kind of “rough”; they tend to wear black t-shirts, and like to work on cars and such. They noticed an obvious store security guy following them through one store, and started to comment loud enough to be overheard on various pieces of merchandise and the store itself, how everything was shoddy quality and/or overpriced. It’s funny how quickly the security guy disappeared after that.