An interest point has arisen in the Pit and, without going into specifics, I’d like to get some posters’ feedback on something. Please give your honest answer to the following hypothetical:
If Poster A finds Poster B to be [aggravating/ a gasbag/totally ignorant/ a synchophant/ a one-trick pony/ whatever], and Poster B asks Poster A to simply ignore him or her and his/her vexing ways, is Poster A obliged by decency or politesse to grant that request and ignore the threads Poster B starts and the posts Poster B makes?
I am not talking about a troll, following someone around from forum to forum to snipe at him or her; I am talking about posters who simply do not get along or who have very divergent beliefs. Does Poster B have the right to “post in peace,” so to speak, if he or she so requests, even if the things he or she posts bug the mmmhmm out of Poster A? Or is Poster B’s request an unfair or unrealistic one, in that it forecloses Poster A’s ability to post in threads he chooses or rebut points if, when, and as he chooses?
I’d really like to get a sense of what others think of this as a general matter, not specific to any particular poster(s). I’m putting it here in GD because seems to have the potential to turn into a debate, great or not.
Thanks for the input. Please answer the question as posted – hypothetically – without citing to or “pulling in” specifics on various posters. This isn’t a witch hunt or a dogpile.