I want a LJ, dammit!

Try www.Diaryland.com that place is pretty much free and clear.

If you do go to livejourna, look up my old friend, Divamotto


I don’t get the point of giving out codes to start LiveJournals. How did the first person ever get a code, then? And why don’t they let just anyone start up an LJ, like signing up for a message board?

The problem with ujournal, etc, is that most people are at livejournal. You can’t add ujournal people to your friends list, etc.

zoggie: They didn’t used to, but their popularity made it neccessary. People would sign up for 15 accounts just to harrass people, or whatever. It was getting bad. You get a code by having a journal. Each free journal owner gets one code to give out, after they’ve had their journal for a week. Permanent (paid) accounts get 5 codes per month. I don’t know what regular paid accounts get. Early adopters got 15 codes, and that’s it.

And it doesn’t require a code to get a journal. Just to get a journal for free. If you pay for your journal, you don’t get an account.

I’ve been on LJ for a few years and I remember when it was just one server. I remember when they had to raise money via donations to buy a second server. I remember how slow it all got when they started getting popular. I remember the agonizing over the decision to offer paid accounts. I have watched them grow to a large number of servers, a staff and everything. I remember when they weren’t a company–now they are. It used to be just Brad. Without going pay, LiveJournal would have gone under. Without limiting the free account process, LiveJournal would go under.

If you pay for your journal, you don’t get an account.

Wow, I got distracted! LOL

“If you pay for your journal, you don’t need a code.”

Ohh, okay. Makes sense, thanks, (and hi!), Opal.

Too bad other popular free sites don’t follow their example.

My LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/kalidrom/

(Very ticked that the username Kal was taken. Looks like they’ve never used the damn thing as well.)

Washte’s LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/washte/

Thanks again, Cranky and Kyla.