I want to add a 2nd shower head, how?

My girlfriend and I take quite a few showers together. So, for obvious reasons, I want another shower head on the opposite wall. I rent, so I’d like it to be easy to remove. What’s the easiest way to do this?

If I used something like this, and one of those handheld shower heads, will I still get enough pressure?

Where’d the “Report” option go? Can’t find it.

Anyway, to ExcitedIdiot I am not wanting to report the thread because there is anything wrong with the question. It is just in the wrong forum. You want to post questions that have factual (or nearly so) answers in General Questions.

The mods will usually move it for you when this happens hence wanting to “report” it.

I am sure you will get some good answers.

Welcome to the SDMB!

ETA: Nevermind on the “where” bit. If it was a snake it’d have bitten me. Reported for a move.

You could do something like this.

The other “easy” option is to get an adapter so you can use a handheld shower head as well as the permanent one. I know I saw an all in one package like that at Home Depot a few days ago.

The problem with these options are that neither of them are really designed for two people. Just for two shower heads aimed at one person. I’d be surprised if having two shower heads allowed enough pressure to shoot water over the top of the first person and on to the second person.

You could find an adapter that would allow you to connect that part coming out of the wall to copper and plumb something together that would attach to the ceiling and attach two shower heads to that.

Sorry, I meant to post in GQ.

I strongly disagree about adding a 2nd shower head. That’s what is wrong with the world today. Resolved: There are too many shower heads already.

No worries.

(sh)It happens.

I also found this. This would definately fit my needs, if I won’t lose a lot of pressure.

At first thought I figured this would roughly divide the pressure between both heads. On second thought, my head is a 2 GPM head. How many GPM can a 3/4 inch pipe push?

I do not know how much water a 3/4" pipe can push but I can say most shower heads are fitted with flow restrictors. In theory your shower can push more water but the shower head limits it. That being the case I would suppose there is more water to be had than you are getting out of the shower such that another shower head won’t (necessarily) cut the pressure in half. How much, if at all, it will cut the water from the first head I have no idea and suspect it depends on your water pressure as well as the size of the pipe.

Flow restrictors can be removed easily but a law mandates them. I have no idea if the law means they must be sold that way or must be used with them.

Depends on water pressure and initial flow. The pressure at the main is diminished by every foot of pipe, and diminished more by narrow pipe; if you have any significant length of 1/2" pipe in your system, you’re probably getting half the mains pressure at the tap; same if your pipes are constricted by rust or scale. If you’ve got good 3/4" pipes all the way through, and good mains pressure, you can expect both shower heads to function well. If you have merely adequate mains pressure, or any flow restrictions, one or both of the shower heads will provide poor flow. If you lived in my apartment, both would dribble.

In my experience, handheld sprayers require more flow or pressure to function properly; that narrow hose has an ID of less than half an inch, which doesn’t help.

IANAP, and this is based on what I remember from various sources.

I have one similar to that. It worked great in my old apartment but not as good now that I live with my GF (we also take a lot of showers together :smiley: ). It really depends on the water volume/pressure that is available. I don’t know if there is a good way to tell without installing the duel shower head. The one I have has the option of either one or both together.

Well obviously, “It would push as much water as a 3/4” pipe could push if a 3/4" pipe could push water."

I worked with the assembly parts for faucets. The flow restriction is built right into the valve assembly now. I would expect you to need a second valve assembly for the second shower head to have decent flow. This doesn’t mean all are built that way, but the majority are.