I Was Offered Sex For Homework Last Night!

Yeah, it would bug me. Being an actually intelligent person who can do their work without resorting to the only other thing in my favor.

Reminds me of a story I heard of (not true, I don’t think) a girl failing a class, who never came to class, did homework, or studied for tests, who on the day of her final offered to sleep with her professor in exchange for a good grade. He of coruse said, no, and then out of curiosity looked up her record. It appeared she’d done the same thing to pretty much everyone she had, and had failed every class…except for one. She was getting an A in ethics. :slight_smile:


You’re aware of the acronym ROFL for Rolling On the Floor Laughing.
Say ROFL out loud.
Spell it how you say it. (I’ve seen it spelled Roffle.)

That’s my guess.

What? You don’t like the young stuff? :smiley:

Personally Seeker Tweeker,
I wouldn’t count on her saying that as a hidden message that she wants your body.
I think it was a statement of how desperate she was not to fail. I said the same kinda things when I was a teenager. Maby you could offer to help her with her homework. Perhaps you two will get together…But if you think of her as a whore you’ll never respect her and I’m sure she’ll get plenty of that as is…
(What is a respectable whore?)

[hijack]A “friend” of mine sent me an email that said simply “get over it.” A had approach him with a totally legitimate complaint (he had given the organization he worked for my email and they were sending me spam), and I was wondering if I was off-base to consider this almost equivalent to “f*ck off.”[/hijack]

Oh, c’mon now. Many are the Temple University teachers who have dipped their ladle into unspoken waters. :smiley:

Besides, I got an 88 DESPITE your refusal !!!

<-----slinking away.


Reminds me of one of my favorite jokes (and perhaps this would have made for a good response, too), in which a female student is trying to make such an offer to her teacher, in hopes of receiving a passing grade…

She: “I’d do anything!”

He (softly): “Anything?”

She (breathlessly): “ANYTHING!!”

He: Would you… study?


Man loses bet to woman, shows up at her door, has to do whatever she says he has to do. The only rule is that she can only speak 3 words the entire time. He’s anticipating a night of D/S.

He gazes at her with desire yet fear. She is dressed not quite to kill, but certainly to maim.

He asks what she demands of him.

She licks her lips softly, and turns sideways, offering a spectacular profile in the flickering firelight. She takes a breath, and whispers the words that will forever change his life :


I had a discussion with an english teacher at a community college. He says he gets at least one offer of a blowjob for an A every semester.

[sub]Note to self: Complete graduate degree; send resumés out to colleges[/sub]

How about we work out an…alternate method of payment? :wink:

The fact that she’s a candy-kid raver should explain it all to you.

She’s probably done far worse things at Rave’s while rolling-hard.

You know… girls, guys, mix-matching… seen it all. So should you have.

Really? I teach in the Computer Science department at my university, and I have about 200-300 students each term (programming classes, mostly). Never gotten such an offer. Perhaps I’m in the wrong field… :wink:

(but only kidding… really…).

I do have plenty of students that try to cheat their way through, though. It’s not an “Easy A” course.

Well, I don’t necessarily disagree in this case, but all kandy kids are not like that. Heck, I was one for quite a while and they’re still my favorite ravers… they beat the heck out of most hardcore junglists and hip-hoppers.

The one and only time I rolled I ended up in a vicks-coated makeout situation with both genders, so I also see your point there.

Yes but what kind of homework was involved?

Was is math or english?

Because if somebody wanted me to do their trig homework then a bj would be required.

Oh for God’s sake. So she said someting. Clarify it. If she’s serious, help her, and then fuck her if you’re so inclined, or don’t if you’re not. Everybody fucks. Sometimes the reasons aren’t as pure as “having fun”. Big Goddamn deal, get over it. One thing you need to do is ignore the self righteous post of someone like happyheathen who takes great pleasure in calling her a whore. Judgement is for losers who aren’t sure of themselves.