I was so deluded about plankton!

I was reading the SDMB SpongeBob thread then linked to a thread about a sponges life cycle, then read that sponges ate plankton and thought to myself - “Self, what is a plankton?”

Sure I know it’s important in the food chain at some point but what is plankton really? I thought they were little primitive sea animals of a specific type or genus. Now by Googling (thanks internet) I find out “plankton” is a really a term categorizing a huge variety of diverse related and unrelated organisms by the fact that they float at the mercy of the waves and cannot direct their locomotion. It’s a kind of “soup” of living creatures. They’re not a genus at all!

Who knew! I’m sure you did, but I didn’t! It’s new information!

What is plankton?

This is my favourite thread title of the week so far.

It’s alright, that evil Plankton has deluded so many in his never ending struggle to capture the Krabby Patty.

He even conned ole SB himself. ( My kids favorite line in that ep:
“Don’t you know what’s behind Movie Screens boy? Solid Concrete! Yuk yuk yuk…”

One of my favorites in when he shows everybody his LAB!!!

I rolled!
My daughters father looked at me like I had lost my mind but laughed as well.

Gotta’ go Bobs on!